
Minishell is a simplified version of a shell or command-line interface implemented in C. It provides basic shell functionality, including:

Executing commands: Minishell can execute any command that can be executed from the command line, including built-in commands, such as cd and **pwd, and external commands, such as ls and grep. Handling input/output redirection: Minishell can handle input/output redirection, which allows you to redirect the input or output of a command to a file or another command. For example, you could use >> to append the output of a command to a file, or | to pipe the output of one command to the input of another command. Managing background processes: Minishell can manage background processes, which allows you to run commands in the background so that you can continue to use the shell while the commands are running. Implementing built-in commands: Minishell can implement built-in commands, which are commands that are executed by the shell itself. This allows you to create custom commands that are specific to your shell.

All the Features:

  • Display a prompt when waiting for a new command.
  • Working history functionality.
  • Search and launch the right executable (based on the PATH variable or using a relative or absolute path).
  • No more than one global variable.
  • No interpretation of unclosed quotes or unnecessary special characters.
  • Handling of single quotes ('), preventing interpretation of metacharacters in the quoted sequence.
  • Handling of double quotes (") except for $ (dollar sign) metacharacter.
  • Redirections:
    • < redirects input.
    • > redirects output.
    • << reads input until a line containing the delimiter is seen.
    • >> redirects output in append mode.
  • Pipes | for command pipelines.
  • Handling of environment variables ($ followed by a sequence of characters) for expansion.
  • Handling of $? for expanding the exit status of the most recently executed foreground pipeline.
  • Handling of ctrl-C, ctrl-D, and "ctrl-\" signals.
  • Interactive mode behavior:
    • ctrl-C, displays a new prompt on a new line.
    • ctrl-D exits the shell.
    • "ctrl-\" does nothing.
  • Built-in commands:
    • echo with option -n.
    • cd with only a relative or absolute path.
    • pwd with no options.
    • export with no options.
    • unset with no options.
    • env with no options or arguments.
    • exit with no options.

Here are some additional features that minishell can support:

Line editing: Minishell can support line editing, which allows you to edit the command line before it is executed. This can be useful for correcting mistakes or for entering long commands. History: Minishell can maintain a history of the commands that have been executed. This can be useful for recalling commands that you have used previously. Signal handling: Minishell can handle signals, which are events that can interrupt the execution of a program. This allows minishell to respond to events such as Ctrl-C and Ctrl-Z.**