
A syncer adaptor that stores tiddlers in a local pouchdb.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

!! PouchDB Adaptor

This is an experimental syncadaptor for tiddlywiki that saves tiddlers to a
local pouchdb.

PouchDB is a lightweight local database that is well suited to storing

For more about pouchdb: https://pouchdb.com/

I don't know if this can be packaged the way that BobEXE is packaged because it
has to compile some C code as part of the pouchdb install.
I haven't tested yet.

!! Usage

This is still experimental, so the setup isn't as simple as I would like.
These are instructions that work, there are probably better ways to do the same

You need nodejs and npm installed.

# Make a folder called PouchDBTest and navigate into it
#* `mkdir PouchDBTest`
#* `cd PouchDBTest`
# in the PouchDBTest folder make a new npm project
#* `npm init`
#* you can use all of the default settings, just hit enter until it stops asking questions.
# Install pouchdb using npm
#* `npm install pouchdb`
# Clone the tiddlywiki repo
#* `git clone --depth=1 --branch v5.1.21 https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5.git`
# Clone the plugin repo
# `git clone https://github.com/OokTech/TW5-PouchDBAdaptor.git TiddlyWiki5/plugins/OokTech/PouchDBAdaptor`
# Start tiddlywiki with `node ./TiddlyWiki5/tiddlywiki.js TiddlyWiki5/plugins/OokTech/PoucdDBAdaptor/PouchDBTest --listen`
# Open a browser and go to `localhost:8080/pouch/wiki/`
#* It has to be something other than / because that serves the wiki using the normal method instead of loading tiddlers from the database, and it can't be just /wiki because one of the core server routes interferes with that.