
Some string manipulation filters for TiddlyWiki5

Primary LanguageJavaScript

title: $:/plugins/OokTech/StringFilters/readme

This plugin adds a few filters that do string manipulation.

See the [[examples|$:/plugins/OokTech/StringFilters/Examples]]

!!`spliton` filter

Splits every input title on the parameter and returns the result as a list of titles.

!!`joinwith` filter

Takes the array of input titles and joins them into one title with the
parameter between each title.

!!`uppercase` filter

Converts all input titles to all capital letters.

!!`lowercase` filter

Converts all input titles to all lowercase letters.

!!`getprefix` filter

returns the fist n characters of each title, where n is the filter parameter.
Optionally this can pad the output with a character to ensure it is always n
characters long.

!!`getsuffix` filter

returns the last n characters of each title, where n is the filter parameter.
Optionally this can pad the output with a character to ensure it is always n
characters long.