PHP Readable code

This was a solo project carried out from the 16th to the 17th of March 2021 as part of the BeCode Liège's Junior Web Developer program.

Learning objectives - Starting with PHP Learn the syntax Build a simple HTML form Use $_GET and $_POST superglobals with forms echo variables using query strings with $_GET echo variables without using query strings with $_POST - To know where to search for PHP documentation

The Mission Imagine: during your internship, you get handed an existing project to maintain. You try to read into the project, but there's no readme 😱, you see variables like $a or $dontChangeThis and the last developer with project knowledge just left. You wouldn't wish that to anyone, would you? Now, let's see what we can do to prevent this from happening with a focus on readability! For projects with a longer lifespan, focusing on this is always a good idea. Whatever bugs you spot or changing requirements you'll need to meet, it will allow you to make modifications as easily as possible.