
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Project's colab link is here


This is a web scraping project written with python. In the project python's Beautiful Soup libarary is used to handle the main problem. The task wanted to be solved is scraping some data about given products' URLs and printing these data to a google spreadsheet.

We are given a bunch of URLs which consist of the website's all URLs. First things first, the URLs' of product pages should be extracted. This is provided with selecting URLs which address a last page. After selecting these URLs, product code data is controlled to be ensured that the page is a product page.

After determining product's URLs, the next step is retrieving data from these pages. As it is mentioned earlier, Python's Beautiful Soup library is used in this stage. With requesting all addresses, asked data extracted from html codes.

Finally when all data gathered in a tuple, they are written down to a google spreadsheet with the help of Gspread library of Python. That is also asked in the project that the spreadsheet data should be sorted in terms of availability values and sent to an e-mail address via google apps script. Google apps script codes for sorting and sending the data as e-mail can be reached from the project's github file.

URL of the report

This report is the spreadsheet output of the project.

Used tech-stack

  • Colab
  • Google apps script
  • pandas library of python
  • numpy library of python
  • BeautifulSoup library of python
  • re library of python
  • html library of python
  • gspread library of python

Challenges I have encountered

I think the real one challange was knowing almost nothing about the project's way of done. I was not familiar with web scraping, writing the output to google sheets, and google app script before coding the project. I needed to learn most the thing while writing the project.

Also the other challange was limited time. Because there was also plenty of projects, quizes, and homeworks at the university, I had hard times to spare time to code this project.

What I learned from the project

As I mentioned above, I learned web scraping, using google sheets in my code, google app script.

Additional Questions

If I’d have 10.000 urls that I should visit, then it takes hours to finish. What can we make to fasten this process?

I think in this case we should focus on bottleneck of the process. The bottleneck part is requesting data from the website's server. This operation takes almost the entire time of the execution. A list of strategies can be used to reduce requesting time is given below:

  • Reducing request: Because each request is an additional cost of time, determining the true request is a key issue. Sometimes the data we are looking for can be retrieved with one request per plenty of products instead of request per product. For example, if we need prices of all products, it would be more cost beneficial to gather all the data with one request from products collection, not from each product's pages.
  • Selecting best tool to work with: If input is getting larger and larger, small improvements matter. There are several languages, libraries to handle the process. For python there are libraries like Request, BeautifulSoup, lxml, Selenium, Scrapy etc. They can be compared to select the optimum one for the process.
  • Multiprocessing: the code can be runned on several cores simultaneously to fasten the process. By this way the request speed is multiplied by the number of processors.
  • Multithreading: multithreading is executing multiple threads on same core concurrently. Because the limiting factor in this project is response time of the server, multithreading would work well on this topic. Instead of waiting one response with doing nothing with a core, multiple request can be done and time can be saved.

What can we make or use to automate to run once a day?

I do not have comprehensive knowledge about the question but maybe a cloud services can be rented to run automatically everyday.

Briefly what is an API

Briefly an API is the way of communication for applications.