
Subdomain enumeration tool with nothing special

Primary LanguagePython


Subdomain enumeration tool with nothing special.

Passive Sources

  • chaos.projectdiscovery.io
  • crt.sh
  • api.certspotter.com
  • virustotal
  • developers.facebook.com/docs/certificate-transparency
  • jonlu.ca/anubis
  • dnsrepo.noc.org
  • netlas.io
  • binaryedge.io
  • censys


Subdomain enumeration tool with nothing special

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  -d DOMAIN   target domain
  -s          only shows subdomains
  -o          shows where the subdomain was found
  -x EXCLUDE  exclude unwanted sources
# Exclude all sources
python3 ghostsub.py -d DOMAIN -x anubis,censys,certspotter,chaos,dnsrepo,netlas,crtsh,binaryedge,virustotal,facebook

# Only-subdomains output
python3 ghostsub.py -d DOMAIN -s

# Show sources
python3 ghostsub.py -d DOMAIN -o

API Keys

just paste your API keys into the apikeys.json file as in the example:

    "chaos": "chaosKey",
    "censys_id": "censysId",
    "censys_secret": "censysSecret",
    "netlas": "netlasKey",
    "binaryedge": "binaryedgeKey",
    "virustotal": "virustotalKey",
    "facebook": "facebookToken"