Stratis Signature Auth Specification

MIT LicenseMIT

Stratis Signature Auth Specification

Decentralized wallet identification and authentication through message signing and signature validations.


Stratis Signature Auth Specification can be used for the following purposes:

  • Personalising the data that a dApp stores about and displays to a user
  • Verifying that a user has access to the private key of a wallet address


  • Decentralized authentication
  • No third party access to sensitive user info



Stratis ID

A Stratis ID consists of the following parts:

  • The callback - a protocol-relative URL to which the wallet will send a HTTPS request
  • The UID - a unique identifier for a request, which is present within the query string of the callback
  • The expiry datetime (optional) - a unix timestamp that specifies when the signature should expire, which is present within the query string of the callback

Example: api.example.com/auth?uid=4606287adc774829ab643816a021efbf&exp=1647216000

Handling the Stratis ID URI

You can handle the Stratis ID in two ways:

  1. As a URI, using the scheme sid:
  2. With a protocol handler URI, using the scheme web+sid:

Wallet Compatibility

Wallet compatibility relies on the implementation of the following requirements:

  • Ability to scan QR code or input Stratis ID URI
  • The wallet is registered to be able to handle the web+sid: protocol
  • User or wallet must validate the callback url of the authentication request
  • Wallet should verify that the expiry datetime has not passed, if it is present
  • Sign the full Stratis ID callback
  • POST the JSON-encoded signed message and and public key to the callback URL, using HTTPS
    POST https://api.example.com/auth?uid=4606287adc774829ab643816a021efbf&exp=1647216000
    Content-Type: application/json
        "signature": "signed-message",
        "publicKey": "public-key"

dApp Compatibility

dApp compatibility relies on the implementation of the following requirements:

  • Generate and display a QR code containing a Stratis ID URI to the user
  • Include a button link for the protocol handler URL
  • Host a HTTPS endpoint that is used in the Stratis ID URI callback
    • The endpoint must validate the structure and contents of the request body
    • The endpoint must verify the signature and its contents
    • The endpoint must verify the expiry datetime has not passed, if it present

Security Concerns

  • Revocation of signatures once sent by the wallet is not possible
  • Wallet and private keys must always be secured
  • Callback URLs that signatures are sent should be validated or whitelisted by the user