
demo of how a signup page can allow users to download a receipt of the consent they gave

Consent-Receipt Demo site

This website shows how a consent-receipt would work: when you sign up for this imaginary service, you agree to its terms of service, that is, you give your consent. Once you do this, a download link will appear where you can download a receipt of the consent you just gave. This is a machine-readable JSON-LD document, for you to keep, specifying what you agreed to and how to revoke the consent when you no longer do.

<p>It also contains a timestamp and a cryptographic signature (the signature is a fake one in this demo).
The format is described on
<a href="http://opennotice.org/spec/receipt-0.1">http://opennotice.org/spec/receipt-0.1</a>.</p>
<script> function genReceipt() { return '{\n' + ' "@context": "http://opennotice.org/spec/receipt-0.1",\n' + ' "receipt":{\n' + ' "timestamp": ' + new Date().getTime() + ',\n' + ' "userId": "' + document.getElementById('email').value + '",\n' + ' "dialogUrl": "http://michielbdejong.github.io/consent-receipt/",\n' + ' "dnt": true,\n' + ' "revokeUrl": "http://michielbdejong.github.io/consent-receipt/quit",\n' + ' "policyUrls": [\n' + ' "http://michielbdejong.github.io/consent-receipt/terms",\n' + ' "http://michielbdejong.github.io/consent-receipt/privacy"\n' + ' ]\n' + ' },\n' + ' "jsonSignature": "tr0tberoijawflekrjg5wrgtbghdfgrt09rtgjw5tbrthe5ztntr"\n' + '}\n'; } function go() { document.body.innerHTML = 'receipt'; } </script>