Open Source Collective

We are Open Source Collective, a non-profit working for the common interests of those who create and use open source software. We exist to promote a sustainable and healthy ecosystem, and to sustain open source technology for the future.

What we do

Open Source Collective's primary focus is our fiscal sponsorship program. We provide a home for nearly 3,000 open source projects on the Open Collective platform, acccepting contributions and handling the legal, tax and acconnting processes on behalf of our member projects.

For maintainers

If you're a part of an open source project looking to raise and manage money together, transparently, then we'd love to support you. Applications to join us are always open, our critera are very broad, and in many cases you may be accepted immediately.

Apply now.

For sponsors

If you're looking to support open source communities we have a range of options for you. We provide a single point of contact for corporate sponsors, offering a range of solutions from managed funds and pre-paid balances to employee gift-cards.

Contact us.

Who we are

Formed in 2017 by Pia Mancini and the team behind Open Collective, Open Source Collective is unapologetically open and transparent. Our board consists predominantly of leaders from within the community we support, we publish our finances on our own platform, and we work in public wherever possible.

Support us