- 2003proHong Kong University of Science and Technology
- 202030481266South China University of Technology
- abodacsOpenCoast
- Ali-Fartoot
- AmanPriyanshuPittsburgh, USA
- BlitherBoom812Tsinghua University @eesast
- bukit-kronikKRONIK
- canyuchenIllinois Institute of Technology
- Clement25Singapore
- denis989
- eniompw
- forhire
- hijkzzzNVIDIA
- huey2531
- jediyoda36Hoboken, New Jersey
- jianguozPalo Alto, CA
- JustinLin610Beijing
- K-tang-mkvGuangzhou University
- LimbicnationLimbicnation
- luxinyu1ISCAS
- nasirus
- Nekuromento
- OpenSource-O1
- panademo
- quanshrBeihang University
- SandalotsVolcanak
- seouriActivate Care
- SidUMicrosoft
- tongyx361Tsinghua University
- VikramxDElevate AI
- vllm-learner
- xuanxianyou
- YanSong97
- yeoedward
- yeyn19Tsinghua University
- Yu-FangxuNanjing University