
Repository containing experimentation platform on how to train, infer on wav2vec2 models.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Vakyansh Wav2Vec2 Experimentation

Pretrained Models

We are releasing pretrained models in various Indic Languages. Please head over to this repo.

Table of contents

Installation and Setup

Create an Environment

conda create --name <env_name> python=3.7
conda activate <env_name>

sudo apt-get install liblzma-dev libbz2-dev libzstd-dev libsndfile1-dev libopenblas-dev libfftw3-dev libgflags-dev libgoogle-glog-dev
sudo apt install build-essential cmake libboost-system-dev libboost-thread-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-test-dev libeigen3-dev zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev liblzma-dev

pip install packaging soundfile swifter
pip install -r requirements.txt

Install fairseq

git clone https://github.com/Open-Speech-EkStep/fairseq -b v2-hydra
cd fairseq
pip install -e .
cd ..

Install KenLM

git clone https://github.com/kpu/kenlm.git
cd kenlm
mkdir -p build && cd build
cmake .. 
make -j 16
cd ..
# export USE_CUDA=0 ## for cpu
cd ..

Install Flashlight

git clone https://github.com/flashlight/flashlight.git
cd flashlight/bindings/python
export USE_MKL=0
python setup.py install
# python criterion_example.py  ## to test

Directory Structure

|-- ./checkpoints
|   |-- ./checkpoints/custom_model
|   |   `-- ./checkpoints/custom_model/
|   |-- ./checkpoints/finetuning
|   |   `-- ./checkpoints/finetuning/
|   `-- ./checkpoints/pretraining
|       `-- ./checkpoints/pretraining/
|-- ./data
|   |-- ./data/finetuning
|   |   `-- ./data/finetuning/
|   |-- ./data/inference
|   |   `-- ./data/inference/
|   |-- ./data/pretraining
|   |   `-- ./data/pretraining/
|   `-- ./data/processed
|       `-- ./data/processed/
|-- ./lm
|   `-- ./lm/
|-- ./logs
|   |-- ./logs/finetuning
|   |   `-- ./logs/finetuning/
|   `-- ./logs/pretraining
|       `-- ./logs/pretraining/
|-- ./notebooks
|   `-- ./notebooks/
|-- ./results
|   `-- ./results/
|-- ./scripts
|   |-- ./scripts/data
|   |   `-- ./scripts/data/
|   |-- ./scripts/parse_yaml.sh
|   |-- ./scripts/finetuning
|   |   |-- ./scripts/finetuning/start_finetuning.sh
|   |   |-- ./scripts/finetuning/prepare_data.sh
|   |   `-- ./scripts/finetuning/README.md
|   |-- ./scripts/lm
|   |   |-- ./scripts/lm/run_lm_pipeline.sh
|   |   `-- ./scripts/lm/README.md
|   |-- ./scripts/pretraining
|   |   |-- ./scripts/pretraining/start_pretraining_base.sh
|   |   |-- ./scripts/pretraining/start_pretraining_large.sh
|   |   |-- ./scripts/pretraining/prepare_data.sh
|   |   `-- ./scripts/pretraining/README.md
|   `-- ./scripts/inference
|       |-- ./scripts/inference/infer.sh
|       |-- ./scripts/inference/prepare_data.sh
|       |-- ./scripts/inference/generate_custom_model.sh
|       |-- ./scripts/inference/single_file_inference.sh
|       `-- ./scripts/inference/README.md
|-- ./config
|   |-- ./config/finetuning.yaml
|   |-- ./config/pretraining_base.yaml
|   |-- ./config/pretraining_large.yaml
|   `-- ./config/README.md
|-- ./requirements.txt
|-- ./utils
|   |-- ./utils/analysis
|   |   `-- ./utils/analysis/generate_wav_report_from_tsv.py
|   |-- ./utils/prep_scripts
|   |   |-- ./utils/prep_scripts/dict_and_lexicon_maker.py
|   |   |-- ./utils/prep_scripts/labels.py
|   |   `-- ./utils/prep_scripts/manifest.py
|   |-- ./utils/wer
|   |   |-- ./utils/wer/wer.py
|   |   `-- ./utils/wer/wer_wav2vec.py
|   |-- ./utils/inference
|   |   |-- ./utils/inference/generate_custom_model.py
|   |   `-- ./utils/inference/single_file_inference.py
|   `-- ./utils/lm
|       |-- ./utils/lm/concatenate_text.py
|       |-- ./utils/lm/make_lexicon_lst.py
|       |-- ./utils/lm/generate_lm.py
|       |-- ./utils/lm/clean_text.py
|       `-- ./utils/lm/remove_duplicate_lines.py
`-- ./README.md         

Data Description

  • For Audio Files.
    • Sample Rate [Hz] = 16000
    • Channels = 'mono'
    • Bit Rate [kbit/s] = 256
    • Precision [bits] = 16
    • Audio length should be less than 30 seconds otherwise it will be ignored during data preparation
    • After scripts/finetuning/prepare_data.sh is run, analysis will be generated which can be used to tune min/max_sample_size in the config files
  • For Text Files
    • Corresponding text file of each audio file must be on the same directory as its audio
    • Text file should not contain any punctuation characters
    • Check dict.ltr.txt file generated after prepare_data so that it does not contain any foreign language character
  • For Language Model
    • Character set of text used for language model should be same as character set used for training
    • Sample code for cleaning text file for english language is given here clean_text.py
    • Sample code for removing duplicate line from text file is given here remove_duplicate_lines.py


For Pretraining

Edit the path to data in the scripts/pretraining/prepare_data.sh file. To prepare the data:

$ cd scripts/pretraining
$ bash prepare_data.sh

Edit the config/pretraining_base.yaml or config/pretraining_large.yaml for different parameter configurations.Check the required paths and values in start_pretraining_base.sh or start_pretraining_large.sh. Refer to config README To start run:

$ bash start_pretraining_base.sh

Refer this for pretraining parameters.

For Finetuning

Edit the path to data in the scripts/finetuning/prepare_data.sh file. To prepare the data:

$ cd scripts/finetuning
$ bash prepare_data.sh

Edit the config/finetuning.yaml for different parameter configurations.Check the required paths and values in start_finetuning.sh. Refer to config README To start run:

$ bash start_finetuning.sh

Refer this for finetuning parameters.

For Inference

Edit the path to data in the scripts/inference/prepare_data.sh file. To prepare the test data run:

$ cd scripts/inference/
$ bash prepare_data.sh

Edit the infer.sh file for required paths. To start inference run:

$ bash infer.sh

Refer this for inference parameters.

For Single File Inference

For single file inference, there are different models. Please head over to this (repo)[https://github.com/Open-Speech-EkStep/vakyansh-models#finetuned-models] to download the same

To generate custom model, run:

$ cd scripts/inference
$ bash generate_custom_model.sh

To infer for single file, change path in single_file_inference.sh. Then run:

$ bash single_file_inference.sh

For generating LM

Edit the run_lm_pipeline.sh variables as required, then run:

$ cd scripts/lm
$ bash run_lm_pipeline.sh

Refer this for LM pipeline.


fairseq(-py) is MIT-licensed. The license applies to the pre-trained models as well.