openapc-treemaps implements a visual frontend for the OpenAPC project, which collects and disseminates information on fee-based Open Access publishing from participating universities and research institutes. The data is provided by a small backend OLAP service named openapc-olap (GitHub). openapc-treemaps is based on the project OffenerHaushalt (GitHub) by the Open Knowlege Foundation.
Build instructions are identical to the original project OffenerHaushalt. Requirements:
- Python 3.10, virtualenv
- node.js >= v21.1.0 with npm, and global installs of: uglify-js + less
When you have openapc-treemaps checked out, follow these steps:
bower install
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python develop
You can then run the site using the Flask script cli:
flask --app treemaps.web run -h
Having verified that the application work, you can build a frozen version of all the contents in this database by running:
This will make a plain HTML version of the visualizations.