
Additional firmware for AudioMoth devices to generate WAV files synchronised with GPS time.

Primary LanguageC


Additional firmware for AudioMoth devices to generate WAV files synchronised with GPS time.

For more details, visit AudioMoth GPS Sync.

Compatible with the AudioMoth GPS Sync App.


Clone the contents of AudioMoth-Project.

Replace the src/main.c from AudioMoth-Project with the src/main.c from this repository. Put all the remaining src/*.c files and all the src/*.h files from this repository into the /src/ and /inc/ folders of the AudioMoth-Project repository. Add the /gps/ folder from the AudioMoth-Project code into the compilation chain by updating the definitions of the include and source files in the /build/Makefile as below:

INC = ../cmsis ../device/inc ../emlib/inc ../emusb/inc ../drivers/inc ../fatfs/inc  ../gps/inc ../inc
SRC = ../device/src ../emlib/src ../emusb/src ../drivers/src ../fatfs/src  ../gps/src ../src

If building from the command line tools no further changes are necessary. However, if building using Simplicity Studio, make sure that the new /gps/ folder appears in the project files, and then open the project 'Properties' under the 'File' menu, navigate to the 'Linker' and 'Ordering' and make sure that the standard math library '-lm' is at the bottom of the list.


See the Wiki for detailed description of the example code.


Copyright 2023 Open Acoustic Devices.

MIT license.