- 152 titles
- 81,812,871 words
- 410,782 logical units
- 118,976 bios
0110HasanBasri.FadailMakka (3,334 words; 0 units; 0 bios)
0195MuarrijSadusi.HadhfMinNasabQuraysh (9,181 words; 16 units; 0 bios)
0230IbnSacd.TabaqatKubra (920,980 words; 6,386 units; 0 bios)
0255Jahiz.Hayawan (456,559 words; 3,113 units; 0 bios)
0256Bukhari.TarikhKabir (519,629 words; 15,061 units; 0 bios)
0276IbnQutaybaDinawari.CuyunAkhbar (232,763 words; 310 units; 0 bios)
0276IbnQutaybaDinawari.GharibHadith (151,223 words; 294 units; 0 bios)
0276IbnQutaybaDinawari.GharibQuran (61,726 words; 2,496 units; 0 bios)
0282AbuHanifaDinawari.AkhbarTiwal (93,184 words; 858 units; 0 bios)
0286IbnWaddahQurtubi.Bidac (18,168 words; 410 units; 0 bios)
0306IbnHayyanDabbi.AkhbarQudat (237,236 words; 1,976 units; 0 bios)
0310Tabari.JamicBayan (2,850,544 words; 0 units; 0 bios)
0310Tabari.Tarikh (1,468,736 words; 577 units; 0 bios)
0324Ashcari.MaqalatIslamiyyin (94,221 words; 5 units; 0 bios)
0324Ashcari.MaqalatIslamiyyin (100,232 words; 2,635 units; 0 bios)
0328IbnCabdRabbihi.CiqdFarid (562,475 words; 3,607 units; 0 bios)
0335Suli.AkhbarRadi (165,915 words; 255 units; 0 bios)
0346Istakhri.MasalikWaMamalik (75,617 words; 28 units; 0 bios)
0365IbnFaqihHamadhani.Buldan (147,627 words; 74 units; 0 bios)
0395AbuHilalCaskari.Sinacatayn (79,541 words; 205 units; 0 bios)
0400IbnTahirMaqdisi.BadWaTarikh (197,351 words; 639 units; 0 bios)
0421Miskawayh.Tajarib (679,938 words; 2,490 units; 0 bios)
0646IbnQifti.IkhbarCulama (96,909 words; 85 units; 0 bios)
0728IbnTaymiyya.MajmucFatawa (2,993,811 words; 0 units; 0 bios)
0742Mizzi.TahdhibKamal (2,683,671 words; 12,446 units; 0 bios)
0762MughaltayIbnQalij.IkmalTahdhib (861,631 words; 5,588 units; 0 bios)
0764Safadi.AcyanCasr (604,064 words; 2,498 units; 0 bios)
0764Safadi.WafiBiWafayat (1,968,791 words; 11,211 units; 0 bios)
0774IbnKathir.Bidaya (2,212,102 words; 3,465 units; 0 bios)
0902Sakhawi.DuLamic (1,335,442 words; 14,452 units; 0 bios)
0927Nucaymi.DarisFiMadaris (223,714 words; 457 units; 0 bios)
1371MuhsinCamili.AcyanShica (4,675,217 words; 94 units; 0 bios)
0216IbnQuraybAsmaci.Asmaciyat (16,957 words; 99 units; 0 bios)
0276IbnQutaybaDinawari.AnwaFiMawasim (37,309 words; 104 units; 0 bios)
0276IbnQutaybaDinawari.AshribaWaIkhtilafFiha (14,816 words; 7 units; 0 bios)
0276IbnQutaybaDinawari.IkhtilafFiLafz (8,312 words; 20 units; 0 bios)
0276IbnQutaybaDinawari.ImamaWaSiyasa (124,400 words; 369 units; 0 bios)
0276IbnQutaybaDinawari.Jarathim (57,100 words; 65 units; 0 bios)
0276IbnQutaybaDinawari.MacaniKabir (168,019 words; 157 units; 0 bios)
0276IbnQutaybaDinawari.Macarif (121,880 words; 789 units; 0 bios)
0276IbnQutaybaDinawari.RisalaKhatt (2,337 words; 18 units; 0 bios)
0276IbnQutaybaDinawari.ShicrWaShucara (137,743 words; 310 units; 0 bios)
0276IbnQutaybaDinawari.TawilMushkilQuran (61,442 words; 241 units; 0 bios)
0280IbnTayfur.Baghdad (48,570 words; 29 units; 0 bios)
0292Yacqubi.TarikhYacqubi (192,205 words; 139 units; 0 bios)
0300IbnKhurdadhbih.MasalikWaMamalik (41,034 words; 152 units; 0 bios)
0310Tabari.Tarikh (1,613,097 words; 2,164 units; 0 bios)
0346Mascudi.AkhbarZaman (57,846 words; 43 units; 0 bios)
0346Mascudi.TanbihWaIshraf (85,677 words; 83 units; 0 bios)
0379MuhammadRabci.TarikhMawlidCulama (35,125 words; 338 units; 0 bios)
0385IbnNadim.Fihrist (141,796 words; 1,553 units; 0 bios)
0390Muqaddasi.AhsanTaqasim (103,553 words; 67 units; 0 bios)
0412Sulami.TabaqatSufiya (68,554 words; 193 units; 0 bios)
0429AbuMansurThacalibi.AhsanMaSamictu (15,268 words; 32 units; 0 bios)
0429AbuMansurThacalibi.DurarHikm (6,924 words; 3 units; 0 bios)
0429AbuMansurThacalibi.IcjazWaIjaz (26,324 words; 440 units; 0 bios)
0429AbuMansurThacalibi.KhassKhass (37,474 words; 51 units; 0 bios)
0429AbuMansurThacalibi.Muntahal (39,453 words; 15 units; 0 bios)
0429AbuMansurThacalibi.MutanabbiWaMaLahu (19,725 words; 109 units; 0 bios)
0429AbuMansurThacalibi.Shakwa (21,139 words; 793 units; 0 bios)
0429AbuMansurThacalibi.SihrBalagha (41,655 words; 363 units; 0 bios)
0429AbuMansurThacalibi.Tamthil (49,578 words; 286 units; 0 bios)
0429AbuMansurThacalibi.ThimarQulub (119,430 words; 1,322 units; 0 bios)
0429AbuMansurThacalibi.YatimaDahr (361,444 words; 1,108 units; 0 bios)
0430AbuNucaymIsbahani.HilyaAwliya (1,188,081 words; 678 units; 0 bios)
0430AbuNucaymIsbahani.TarikhIsbahan (228,661 words; 1,959 units; 0 bios)
0442Tanukhi.TarikhCulamaNahwiyyin (10,765 words; 95 units; 0 bios)
0446AbuYaclaKhalili.IrshadFiMacrifaCulama (81,543 words; 994 units; 0 bios)
0450Najashi.Rijal (88,987 words; 1,330 units; 0 bios)
0458Bayhaqi.DalailNubuwwa (528,431 words; 678 units; 0 bios)
0460ShaykhTusi.IkhtiyarMacrifaRijal (224,038 words; 416 units; 0 bios)
0460ShaykhTusi.Rijal (75,644 words; 6,745 units; 0 bios)
0463IbnCabdBarr.IsticabFiMacrifaAshab (397,653 words; 4,049 units; 1 bios)
0463KhatibBaghdadi.TarikhBaghdad (1,883,359 words; 8,484 units; 0 bios)
0463KhatibBaghdadi.TarikhBaghdad (2,621,786 words; 13,309 units; 0 bios)
0466CabdAzizKattani.DhaylTarikhMawlidCulama (18,115 words; 463 units; 0 bios)
0476AbuIshaqShirazi.TabaqatFuqaha (30,392 words; 508 units; 0 bios)
0482AbuIshaqHabbal.WafayatMisriyyin (6,616 words; 497 units; 0 bios)
0507AbuBakrShashi.HilyaCulama (97,879 words; 162 units; 0 bios)
0524IbnAkfani.DhaylDhaylTarikhMawlidCulama (4,082 words; 84 units; 0 bios)
0526IbnAbiYacla.TabaqatHanabila (169,947 words; 880 units; 0 bios)
0544CiyadIbnMusaYahsubi.TartibMadarik (320,968 words; 1,177 units; 0 bios)
0555IbnQalanisi.Tarikh (120,986 words; 157 units; 0 bios)
0565IbnZaydBayhaqi.TarikhBayhaq (121,031 words; 299 units; 0 bios)
0571IbnCasakir.TarikhDimashq (8,193,674 words; 10,910 units; 0 bios)
0577IbnAnbari.NuzhaAlibba (43,678 words; 183 units; 0 bios)
0597IbnJawzi.Muntazam (1,529,901 words; 7,351 units; 0 bios)
0600KatibMarrakushi.Istibsar (60,658 words; 200 units; 0 bios)
0626YaqutHamawi.MucjamBuldan (1,273,690 words; 13,668 units; 0 bios)
0630IbnAthirCizzDin.Kamil (1,356,072 words; 4,404 units; 0 bios)
0637IbnMustafwi.TarikhIrbil (385,144 words; 4,781 units; 0 bios)
0640AbuHafsDunaysiri.TarikhDunaysir (22,117 words; 74 units; 0 bios)
0642IbnNajjar.DhaylTarikhBaghdad (176,997 words; 803 units; 0 bios)
0643IbnSalahShahrazuri.TabaqatFuqaha (63,136 words; 298 units; 0 bios)
0658IbnAbbar.HullaSiyara (98,490 words; 228 units; 0 bios)
0658IbnAbbar.MucjamAshab (75,905 words; 362 units; 0 bios)
0658IbnAbbar.TuhfaQadim (28,899 words; 114 units; 0 bios)
0660IbnCadim.ZubdaHalab (110,390 words; 344 units; 0 bios)
0665AbuShama.Rawdatayn (308,389 words; 279 units; 0 bios)
0680IbnSabuni.TakmilaIkmalIkmal (42,252 words; 236 units; 0 bios)
0685IbnCibri.TarikhMukhtasarDuwal (97,240 words; 234 units; 0 bios)
0711IbnManzurIfriqi.MukhtasarTarikhDimashq (2,408,342 words; 7,118 units; 0 bios)
0748Dhahabi.CibarFiKhabar (270,948 words; 868 units; 0 bios)
0748Dhahabi.Culuww (51,237 words; 777 units; 0 bios)
0748Dhahabi.DhaylCibar (37,477 words; 161 units; 0 bios)
0748Dhahabi.DhaylDiwanDucafa (12,664 words; 603 units; 0 bios)
0748Dhahabi.DhikrAsmaManTakallama (9,038 words; 403 units; 0 bios)
0748Dhahabi.DiwanDucafa (105,267 words; 6,009 units; 0 bios)
0748Dhahabi.Kashif (229,546 words; 8,222 units; 0 bios)
0748Dhahabi.MacrifaQurraKibar (97,229 words; 752 units; 0 bios)
0748Dhahabi.MizanIctidal (649,092 words; 12,457 units; 0 bios)
0748Dhahabi.MucinFiTabaqatMuhaddithin (23,129 words; 2,455 units; 0 bios)
0748Dhahabi.MucjamMuhaddithin (44,241 words; 422 units; 0 bios)
0748Dhahabi.MucjamShuyukh (152,971 words; 1,025 units; 0 bios)
0748Dhahabi.MughniFiDucafa (119,158 words; 7,870 units; 0 bios)
0748Dhahabi.MukhtasarCuluww (71,152 words; 532 units; 0 bios)
0748Dhahabi.MukhtasarMinDubaythi (96,058 words; 1,641 units; 0 bios)
0748Dhahabi.Muqtana (77,096 words; 7,042 units; 0 bios)
0748Dhahabi.RuwatThiqat (3,391 words; 94 units; 0 bios)
0748Dhahabi.SiyarAclamNubala (2,264,566 words; 6,476 units; 0 bios)
0748Dhahabi.TadhkiraHuffaz (325,173 words; 1,200 units; 0 bios)
0768Yafici.MiratJanan (424,091 words; 798 units; 0 bios)
0852IbnHajarCasqalani.DurarKamina (414,347 words; 5,396 units; 0 bios)
0852IbnHajarCasqalani.IsabaFiTamyiz (1,092,269 words; 13,577 units; 0 bios)
0852IbnHajarCasqalani.TahdhibTahdhib (1,316,187 words; 13,415 units; 0 bios)
0874IbnTaghribirdi.NujumZahira (1,129,443 words; 1,113 units; 0 bios)
0911Suyuti.BughyaWucat (197,962 words; 2,360 units; 0 bios)
1089IbnCimad.Shadharat (1,097,722 words; 1,143 units; 0 bios)
0276IbnQutaybaDinawari.AdabKatib (69,366 words; 299 units; 0 bios)
0300IbnKhurdadhbih.MasalikWaMamalik (35,723 words; 142 units; 0 bios)
0355MuhammadKindi.QudatMisr (36,490 words; 101 units; 100 bios)
0355MuhammadKindi.WulatMisr (50,998 words; 132 units; 128 bios)
0369AbuShaykhIsbahani.TabaqatMuhaddithin (110,503 words; 701 units; 683 bios)
0390Muqaddasi.AhsanTaqasim (171,942 words; 67 units; 0 bios)
0403IbnFaradi.TarikhCulamaAndalus (120,674 words; 1,987 units; 1,659 bios)
0405HakimNaysaburi.TalkhisTarikhNaysabur (35,152 words; 2,519 units; 2,509 bios)
0427HamzaJurjani.TarikhJurjan (107,903 words; 1,356 units; 1,193 bios)
0561Samcani.Ansab (827,145 words; 4,951 units; 0 bios)
0561Samcani.Ansab (879,572 words; 5,063 units; 0 bios)
0578IbnBashkuwal.Sila (140,896 words; 1,725 units; 1,543 bios)
0630IbnAthirCizzDin.LubabFiTahdhibAnsab (343,452 words; 5,169 units; 0 bios)
0658IbnAbbar.TakmilaLiSila (306,871 words; 3,925 units; 3,580 bios)
0681IbnKhallikan.WafayatAcyan (677,511 words; 1,528 units; 862 bios)
0748Dhahabi.TarikhIslam (3,505,304 words; 33,719 units; 31,090 bios)
0771Subki.TabaqatShaficiyaKubra (676,946 words; 1,428 units; 1,412 bios)
0774IbnKathir.TabaqatShaficiyyin (181,807 words; 965 units; 919 bios)
0900AbuCabdAllahHimyari.RawdMictar (323,710 words; 0 units; 0 bios)
0911Suyuti.LubbLubab (51,027 words; 4,853 units; 0 bios)
1339IsmacilBashaBaghdadi.HadiyaCarifin (421,313 words; 8,842 units; 8,814 bios)
1450MawsucaShicriya.MucjamShucara (158,183 words; 2,333 units; 2,305 bios)
0748Dhahabi.TarikhIslam (3,506,002 words; 34,422 units; 31,089 bios)
0748Dhahabi.TarikhIslam (3,611,271 words; 0 units; 31,089 bios)
1101IbCabdAllahKharshi.SharhMukhtasarSayyidiKhalil (TAGS: CENT1200, _FIQH, _MALIKI)
1101IbCabdAllahKharshi.SharhMukhtasarSayyidiKhalil (TAGS: CENT1200, _FIQH, _MALIKI)
1101MuhammadCaliArdabili.JamicRuwat (TAGS: CENT1200, PPE, SHC, _HADITH, _SHICI, _TARAJIM)
1102NurDinYusi.MuhadaratFiLugha (TAGS: CENT1200, _ADAB, _BALAGHA, _QISAS, _TARAIF)
1102NurDinYusi.ZahrAkam (TAGS: CENT1200, _ADAB, _ADAB, _AMTHAL, _BALAGHA)
1104IbnHasanHurrCamili.AmalAmil (TAGS: CENT1200, _HADITH, _SHICI, _TARAJIM)
1104IbnHasanHurrCamili.FususMuhimma (TAGS: CENT1200, _HADITH, _SHICI)
1104IbnHasanHurrCamili.IqazMinHajca (TAGS: CENT1200, _CAQAID, _SHICI, _TWELVERS)
1104IbnHasanHurrCamili.Ithnacashariyya (TAGS: CENT1200, _CAQAID, _SHICI, _TWELVERS)
1104IbnHasanHurrCamili.JawahirSaniyya (TAGS: CENT1200, _HADITH, _SHICI)
1104IbnHasanHurrCamili.RasailShica (TAGS: CENT1200, _HADITH, _SHICI)
1107HashimBahrani.GhayatMaram (TAGS: CENT1200, _CAQAID, _SHICI, _TWELVERS)
1107HashimBahrani.HilyatAbrar (TAGS: CENT1200, _HADITH, _SHICI)
1107HashimBahrani.KashfMihimm (TAGS: CENT1200, _CAQAID, _SHICI, _TWELVERS)
1107HashimBahrani.MadinatMacajiz (TAGS: CENT1200, _HADITH, _SHICI)
1107HashimBahrani.YanabicMacajiz (TAGS: CENT1200, _HADITH, _SHICI)
1111Majlisi.IjazatHadith (TAGS: CENT1200, _HADITH, _SHICI, _TARAJIM)
1111MuhammadAminMuhibbi.DhaylNafahatRayhana (TAGS: CENT1200, _ADAB, _MISC)
1111MuhammadAminMuhibbi.KhulasaAthr (TAGS: CENT1200, PPE, _TABAQAT, _TARAJIM, _TARIKH, _WAFAYAT)
1111MuhammadAminMuhibbi.NafahatRayhana (TAGS: CENT1200, _ADAB, _MISC, _TABAQAT, _TARAJIM)
1112IbnJumcaHuwayzi.TafsirNurThaqalayn (TAGS: CENT1200, _QURAN, _SHICI, _TAFSIR)
1112NicmatAllahJazairi.NurBarahin (TAGS: CENT1200, _HADITH, _SHICI)
1112NicmatAllahJazairi.QisasAnbiya (TAGS: CENT1200, _IMAM, _NABI, _SIRA)
1117IbnMuhammadSharafDinDimyatti.IthafFudalaBashar (TAGS: CENT1200, _CULUM, _QIRAAT, _QURAN, _TAFSIR)
1118CabdHamidShirwani.Hawashi (TAGS: CENT1200, _FIQH, _SHAFICI)
1118IbnMuhammadNuriSafaqsi.GhaythNafc (TAGS: CENT1200, _QIRAAT, _QURAN, _TAJWID)
1118IbnMuhammadNuriSafaqsi.TanbihGhafilin (TAGS: CENT1200, _AKHLAQ, _CULUM, _MISC, _QURAN, _SULUK)
1119IbnMacsum.AnwarRabic (TAGS: CENT1200, _ADAB, _BALAGHA)
1119IbnMacsum.SulafaCasr (TAGS: BIO, CENT1200, PPE, _TABAQAT, _TARAJIM, _TARIKH)
1119IbnMacsumShacir.Diwan (TAGS: _SHICR_CUTHMANI, _SHICR)
1120CaliKhanMadani.DarajatRafica (TAGS: CENT1200, PPE, SHC, _HADITH, _SHICI, _TARAJIM)
1120CaliKhanMadani.RiyadSalihin (TAGS: CENT1200, _HADITH, _SHICI)
1120IbnMuhammadBurhanDinDimashqi.BayanWaTacrif (TAGS: CENT1200, _HADITH, _MISC, _MUSTALAHAT, _SHARH)
1120IbnQasimIbnZakurFasi.TafrijKurah (TAGS: CENT1200, _ADAB, _BALAGHA)
1121Mahuzi.Arbacuna (TAGS: CENT1200, _HADITH, _SHICI)
1122MuhammadZarqani.SharhCalaMawahib (TAGS: CENT1200, PPE, _SHAMAIL, _SIRA)
1122MuhammadZarqani.SharhCalaMuwatta (TAGS: CENT1200, _ASHAB, _SIRA)
1122MuhammadZarqani.SharhCalaMuwatta (TAGS: CENT1200, _FIQH, _HADITH, _MALIKI, _SHARH, _TARAJIM)
1124IbnCabdFattahTunukabuni.SafinatNajat (TAGS: CENT1200, _CAQAID, _SHICI, _TWELVERS)
1125IbnGhanimAzhariNafrawi.FawakihDawani (TAGS: CENT1200, _FIQH, _MALIKI)
1125MirzaMuhammadMashhadi.TafsirKanzDaqaiq (TAGS: CENT1200, _QURAN, _SHICI, _TAFSIR)
1126MuhammadHanbali.Mashyakha (TAGS: CENT1200, PPE, _TABAQAT, _TARAJIM)
1127IbnMustafaIstanbuli.RuhBayan (TAGS: CENT1200, _TAFSIR)
1129CaliAmirSancani.Bidca (TAGS: CENT1200, _CAQAID, _SHICI, _ZAYDIYYA)
1130CabdAllahBahrani.Cawalim (TAGS: CENT1200, _HADITH, _SHICI)
1132IbnAhmadAbuMadyanFasi.MustacdhabIkhbar (TAGS: CENT1200, _SHAMAIL, _SIRA)
1135IbnCumarTaghlibiShaybani.NaylMaarib (TAGS: CENT1200, _FIQH, _HANBALI)
1137FadilHindi.SharhCayniyya (TAGS: CENT1400, _SHICR)
1137IbnHasanBahaDinIsbahani.KashfLitham (TAGS: CENT1200, _AFTER800, _FIQH, _SHICI)
1138IbnCabdHadiNurDinSindi.HashiyaCalaIbnMajah (TAGS: CENT1200, _HADITH, _SHARH)
1138IbnCabdHadiNurDinSindi.HashiyaCalaNisai (TAGS: CENT1200, _FIQH, _HADITH, _SHARH, _SUNNI, _TARAJIM)
1138IbnHusaynQadiriTawari.TakmilatBahrRaiq (TAGS: CENT1200, _FIQH, _HANAFI)
1140IbnMuhammadDimyatiShafici.JawahirGhawali (TAGS: CENT1200, _HADITH, _MAKHTUTAT)
1143CabdGhaniNabulusi.Diwan (TAGS: _SHICR_CUTHMANI, _SHICR)
1143CabdGhaniNabulusi.KashfNur (TAGS: CENT1200, _RUDUD)
1143CabdGhaniNabulusi.TactirAnam (TAGS: CENT1200, _AHLAM, _MISC, _TAFSIR)
1143IbnCabdKarimGhazziCamiri.JiddHathith (TAGS: CENT1200, _CILAL, _DACIF, _HADITH, _MAWDUC, _SUALAT)
1147CabdAllahSancani.TarikhYaman (TAGS: CENT1200, PPE, _BULDAN, _TARIKH)
1147IbnSharafDinKhalili.FatawaKhalili (TAGS: CENT1200, _FATAWA)
1150IbnAhmadShamsDinMakki.FawaidJlalila (TAGS: CENT1200, _AJZA, _HADITH)
1153IbnKannan.YawmiyyatShamiyya (TAGS: CENT1200, PPE, _BULDAN, _TARIKH)
1156IbnMuhammadAbuSacidKhadimi.BariqaMahmudiyya (TAGS: CENT1200, _ADAB, _ADHKAR, _MISC, _RAQAIQ)
1158IbnCaliFaruqiTahanawi.KashshafIstalahat (TAGS: _FIQH, PPE, _GHARIB, _MACAJIM, _MUSTALAHAT)
1162IbnMuammadAbuFidaCajluni.KashfKhafa (TAGS: CENT1200, _AHKAM, _CILAL, _DACIF, _HADITH, _MAWDUC, _SUNNI, _TAKHRIJ)
1163MuhammadHayatSindi.FathGhufur (TAGS: CENT1200, _BUHUTH, _FIQH, _MASAIL)
1167IbnCabrRahmanGhazzi.DiwanIslam (TAGS: CENT1200, _SHICR_CUTHMANI, _SHICR, _TABAQAT, _TARAJIM)
1170IbnMuhammadMahalliMisri.MazidNicma (TAGS: CENT1200, _FIQH)
1172IbnKhalifaMasakini.Fahrasa (TAGS: CENT1200, _ADILLA, _FAHARIS, _KUTUB)
1173IbnCaliMusawiTustari.TadhyilSulafatCasr (TAGS: CENT1200, PPE, _SHICR, _TABAQAT, _TARAJIM)
1173IbnHusaynKhwajuiMazandarani.JamicShatat (TAGS: CENT1200, _CAQAID, _SHICI, _TWELVERS)
1174AbuBarakatSuwaydi.NafhaMiskiya (TAGS: CENT1200, _BULDAN, _JUGHRAFIYA, _RIHLAT)
1175AhmadBudayri.HawadithDimashq (TAGS: CENT1200, PPE, _BULDAN, _TARIKH)
1175MuhammadKarabisi.IklilManhaj (TAGS: BIO, CENT1200, PPE, SHC, _HADITH, _SHICI, _TARAJIM)
1176ShahWaliAllahDihlawi.CiqdJayyid (TAGS: CENT1200, _FIQH, _MASAIL, _QAWACID, _USUL, _USULIYYA)
1176ShahWaliAllahDihlawi.FawzKabir (TAGS: CENT1200, _CULUM, _QURAN)
1176ShahWaliAllahDihlawi.HujjatAllahBaligha (TAGS: CENT1200, _FIQH, _USUL)
1176ShahWaliAllahDihlawi.InsafFiBayan (TAGS: CENT1200, _FIQH, _MASAIL, _QAWACID, _USUL, _USULIYYA)
1179IbnAhmadShihabDinSujaci.RisalaFiIthbatKaramat (TAGS: CENT1200, _RUDUD)
1180CabdAllahJazairi.TuhfaSaniyya (TAGS: CENT1200, _AFTER800, _FIQH, _SHICI)
1182IbnIsmacilSancani.IftiraqUmma (TAGS: CENT1200, _CAQAID, _HADITH, _MILAL, _SUNNI)
1182IbnIsmacilSancani.InsafFiHaqiqatAwliya (TAGS: CENT1200, _BUHUTH, _CAQAID, _MASAIL, _MILAL)
1182IbnIsmacilSancani.IrshadNuqqad (TAGS: CENT1200, _FIQH, _MASAIL, _QAWACID, _USUL, _USULIYYA)
1182IbnIsmacilSancani.IsbalMatar (TAGS: CENT1200, _CULUM, _HADITH)
1182IbnIsmacilSancani.IstifaAqwal (TAGS: CENT1200, _BUHUTH, _MASAIL)
1182IbnIsmacilSancani.RafcAstar (TAGS: CENT1200, _CAQAID)
1182IbnIsmacilSancani.RafcAstar (TAGS: CENT1200, _CAQAID, _HADITH, _MILAL, _SUNNI)
1182IbnIsmacilSancani.SubulSalam (TAGS: CENT0900, CENT1200, _CHRONOMULTIPLE, _FIQH, _HADITH, _MUSTAQILLA, _SHARH, _USUL)
1182IbnIsmacilSancani.TathirIctiqad (TAGS: CENT1200, _CAQAID, _MILAL)
1182IbnIsmacilSancani.TathirIctiqad (TAGS: _CAQAID)
1182IbnIsmacilSancani.TawdihAfkar (TAGS: CENT1200, _CULUM, _HADITH, _MUSTALAHAT)
1182IbnIsmacilSancani.ThamaratNazar (TAGS: CENT1200, _CULUM, _HADITH, _MUSTALAHAT)
1182IbnIsmacilSancani.UsulFiqh (TAGS: CENT1200, _FIQH, _QAWACID, _USUL)
1186YusufBahraniMuhaqqiq.HadaiqNadira (TAGS: CENT1200, _AFTER800, _FIQH, _SHICI)
1187SulaymanMahasini.HululTacab (TAGS: CENT1200, _TARIKH)
1188ShamsDinSaffarini.DurraMudiyya (TAGS: CENT1200, _CAQAID, _MILAL)
1188ShamsDinSaffarini.GhadhaAlbab (TAGS: CENT1200, _ADAB, _ADHKAR, _FIQH, _HANBALI, _RAQAIQ)
1188ShamsDinSaffarini.LawamicAnwar (TAGS: CENT1200, _CAQAID)
1189CaliCadawi.HashiyatCadawi (TAGS: CENT1200, _FIQH, _MALIKI)
1192IbnCabdAllahBacliHanbali.BidayatCabid (TAGS: CENT1200, _FIQH, _HANBALI)
1192IbnCabdAllahBacliHanbali.KashfMukhaddarat (TAGS: CENT1200, _FIQH, _HANBALI)
1195CabdRahmanAnsari.Tuhfa (TAGS: CENT1200, _ANSAB, _MISC)
1198SulaymanIbnMuhammadJamzuri.TuhfatAtfal (TAGS: CENT1200, _CULUM, _QURAN, _TAFSIR)
1200CabdNabiAhmadnakari.DusturCulama (TAGS: CENT1200, _FIQH, _GHARIB, _MACAJIM, _MUSTALAHAT)
1200CabdNabiQazwini.TatmimAmalAmil (TAGS: CENT1200, _HADITH, _SHICI, _TARAJIM)
1200HaydarCaliIbnMuhammadShirwani.ManaqibAhlBayt (TAGS: CENT1200, _HADITH, _SHICI)
1200IbnAhmadSafiDinBukhari.TaqrizLiIbnHajarCasqalani (TAGS: CENT0900, CENT1200, _CHRONOMULTIPLE, _TABAQAT, _TARAJIM, _TARIKH)
1200Nisari.Wafiya (TAGS: _CENT00NO, _MAJMUCAT, _NAHW, _SARF)
1200ShaykhCabdHusayn.AqtabDawair (TAGS: CENT1200, _CAQAID, _SHICI, _TWELVERS)
- Have Github installed and setup on your computer.
- Create a github account if you do not have one
- You will be added to the
organisation (email me yourusername
) - Install
software on you machine- On Mac: it is likely to be installed already (try
in Terminal) - On Windows:
for Windows comes with the interface (Github) and with the Powershell terminal (Git shell
). First open the interface and login intogithub
there; go through the setup steps; close the interface. Now openGit shell
- It will help to know a couple of general commands, but
cd path
is the main one (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cd_(command)): - Using
command go to your github folder (on Windows you can select on in the Interface mode and it will become the forlder that will open automatically when you opengit shell
) - Main git commands in command line are the same in Mac's
and in Windows'Powershell
):git clone link
clones a repository from www.github.com to your machine. For example,git clone https://github.com/OpenArabic/0700AH.git
will make a copy of the0700AH
repository on you machine.- type
cd 0700AH
to get into the folder of the cloned repository git status
prints the current status of the repository on the screen, showing if there are any changes (new files, changed files, deleted files, etc.)git pull origin master
pulls---or copies---updates from the online repository to your machine; run this command to ensure that you have the latest version on your machine.- after you changed/added files, run
git add .
(period/punkt/point at the end); this command adds all new files to the repository. git commit -m "MESSAGE"
saves the current status of the repository to the git versioning system; MESSAGE contains your own human readable description of what you have done. For example, if you finished tagging 3 volumes in the book that has 10, you can dogit commit -m "Finished tagging first 3 volumes of ZZZ"
, whereZZZ
is the URI of the book you work on (please, include only theDateAuthor.Title
part, i.e. if the complete URI is0310Tabari.Tarikh.JK000157-ara1.mARkdown
, you should include only0310Tabari.Tarikh
). These messages will be visible in github repository online and help tracking progress. Also, you can roll back to the committed stage, if something wrong goes with the repository.git push origin master
will upload your changes to the online repository. If somebody else has already updated the same repository, you may need to rungit pull origin master
- On Mac: it is likely to be installed already (try
- Clone repositories; either work with the texts of your interest, or with the ones that are assigned to you.
- Make sure that nobody else is editing the text that you chose; to avoid that keep me posted on text you are planning to work with. NB: if there is a file has one of the following extensions—
, it means that somebody is working on that text!- Files can have the following extensions:
- Initially, there is no extension: the names of all text files end with
, which is a part of the file-naming CTS-scheme; extensions were not added deliberately in order to avoid accidental opening of files by default programs: on Windows the default text editor isNotepad
, which cannot handle large files and will freeze the system. .inProgress
: if a file has this extension, it means somebody is actively working on it, tagging logical units..completed
: the tagging is complete, but has not been vetted yet..mARkdown
: the file has been vetted and is ready for conversion to TEI XML and can be used for computational analysis.
- Initially, there is no extension: the names of all text files end with
- Files can have the following extensions:
- In most cases there are multiple versions of the same text; you need to identify relevant editions and do a preliminary evaluation.
- Ideally, you should be able to find a text that corresponds to an edition, which you can access (scans of most editions can be found online; links to some editions can be found in the PDF folder in text repositories; if there are links in
, they can be downloaded in batch usingwget
, by runningwget -i url.txt
(while in PDF folder); this program comes preinstalled on Macs, but has to be downloaded on Windows). - It is likely that there will be more than one text based on the same edition.
texts are often improved versions ofJK
texts (with more tags already in place); it makes sense to compare the number of tags already in place and choose the text that will require less time to finish. Keep in mind that there is no solid rule about which text is likely to be better; you need to evaluate them all. - Only one text should be converted into
—the text that according to your evaluation is of better/best available quality. Make sure to record your observations on each text file into aREADME.md
file in the folder with the text group you are working on (answer the questions that are in thetext_questionnaire.md
file; this file will be updated periodically).- NB: If your research focuses on specific texts, you may want having multiple editions converted into
; this will allow to compare how editions are different from each other.
- NB: If your research focuses on specific texts, you may want having multiple editions converted into
- When you selected the text that you will be converting to
, work with the copy of that text file. The file name of that copy should retain theURI
(period + inProgress, where the third letter is capitalized!). For example,0310Tabari.Tarikh.JK000157-ara1
. Make sure that theURI
is not broken: when you make a copy of a file on Windows, it will insert- Copy
in the middle on the filename; make sure to remove this.- NB by default, Windows hides file extensions, so you will need to change some settings so that they are displayed. How to do that: 1) Open
File explorer
(Win+E); 2) pressF10
to see the menu; 3) in the menu:Tools
>Folder options
; then choose tabView
; then uncheckHide extensions for known file types
; 4) ClickApply to Folders
, thenOk
- NB by default, Windows hides file extensions, so you will need to change some settings so that they are displayed. How to do that: 1) Open
- When you start working on a file, you add extension
, which will indicate to others that the file is been processed. After you renamed the file, make sure to stage your progress and push the changes to the online repository so that others could see your progress. Run the following commands in git:git add .
git commit -m "Started working on ZZZ"
is the URI of the book you work on (please, include only theDateAuthor.Title
part, i.e. if the complete URI is0310Tabari.Tarikh.JK000157-ara1.mARkdown
, you should include only0310Tabari.Tarikh
).git push origin master
- NB: Before you start a new text, make sure to pull the latest changes to the repository, i.e., run
git pull origin master
- Keep in mind that you need to tag only the structure of a book you are working with, which includes tagging chapter headers (
### |
,### ||
,### |||
, etc.) and major information units, like biographies (### $
,### $$
,### $$$
, etc.) or lexicon items (these we should discuss before you start). Please, do not tag anything else—at least without consulting with me first. - IMPORTANT! Do not delete anything from the text! At this point we do not know what is valuable and what is not (things like numbers, random characters, punctuation, stray HTML tags, etc.). Your goal is to provide the structure to texts, not to edit them. If you think something should be deleted, please, consult me first. Time is the most valuable asset at the moment and we cannot afford to spend it on fixing messed-up texts; we want to invest it into tagging logical units of as many new texts as possible.
- Make commits to relevant github repositories after each working session. In addition to saving/backing up your work, this will also allow me to check periodically on your progress and make suggestions along the way.
- When you have finished tagging a text, change its extension from
; then push your changes to the online repository.* After that I will review the tagging and if everything is fine, I will change the extension to.mARkdown
, which will indicate that the tagging of the file has been complete and vetted.- Git commands:
git add .
git commit -m "tagging of ZZZ is complete"
is the URI of the book you work on (please, include only theDateAuthor.Title
part, i.e. if the complete URI is0310Tabari.Tarikh.JK000157-ara1.mARkdown
, you should include only0310Tabari.Tarikh
).git push origin master
- NB: The extensions are important as they allow everyone to see at which stage the files are; they are also used to generate the progress report, which will be included into the
file of each repository.
- Git commands:
- Into the
which is in the same folder as the text file you are working on, please add the number of hours it took you to process the file. We are trying to get estimates on how much time it is going to take to process the entire corpus; we also know at the moment that the amount of time is not proportional to the length of a text, since what matters most is how much structural information is preserved in the initial file and that differs drastically from text to text.
These are the major steps. Please, do not hesitate to contact the me if you have any questions, no matter how insignificant they may seem to you.