- 231smNational University of Singapore
- AlexDeng-AI
- chen-yingfaTHUNLP
- chenaoxdTsinghua University
- ctyytc
- enshulv
- fangtaosongUniversity of Chinese Academy of Sciences, NLP LAB
- frailmichael
- fytxlj@bytedance
- gongbaitao
- housemeBeijing
- huangbingsheng
- Jaren1907
- jayzzhou-thuTsinghua University
- jctime@OpenBMB
- jiangix-paper
- Kunlun-ZhuMila-Quebec AI Institute; UdeM
- lijun20
- oahzuw
- picv888
- Poirot-GhostBeijing Normal University
- poorussHKU, THU
- qibowang
- QQR1
- quduoduo
- qyqx233
- Raincleared-Song
- theowenyoung
- wanglg007BeiJing China
- WangRongshengMacao Polytechnic University
- we1l1n
- xmzhaoTencent
- yxybyqXi'an Jiaotong University
- zhjohnchanThe Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen
- zhongpei
- zjrwtx⚡ 微信:agi_isallyouneed