A command line interface for OBP API

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

Open Bank Project CLI

A command line utility (CLI) to work with the Open Bank Project sandbox called obp.

With the obp cli you can:

  • Initiate an api connection to the sandbox
    • note you still need to sign-up from the sandbox homepage first to create your username & password
  • Get your DirectLogin token
  • Get your user information
  • Get your user id
  • Get banks
  • Get (your) accounts held at the bank

Also, depending on your account access you may:

  • Create a bank account
  • Add roles to a user
  • Import/Delete branches
  • Import dummy bank data


pip install --user obp-python # Requires at least python 3
pip install obp-python # If you are using a python 3 virtual environment

Warning: If your operating system defaults to python 2, your pip command might be:

pip3 install --user obp-python
pip3.6 install --user obp-python


Usage: obp [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  addaccount              📁 Add a bank account
  addbank                 🏦 Add a bank
  addcustomer             🧙 Add a customer
  addfx                   📉 Add exchange rate (FX)
  addrole                 🚧 Add a role for current user
  adduser                 📝 Add a user
  addview                 🧐 Add a view
  answerconsent           🚧 Answer consent
  createconsent           🚧 Add a consent
  deletebranches          ⚠️ 🏦 Delete all branches
  deletecardbyid          ⚠️ 💳 Delete card by id
  getaccountbyid          📁 Get account by id (includes balance)
  getaccountsheld         📁 Get list of accounts held
  getaccounttransactions  📁 Get transactions for an account
  getauth                 🔑 Get your DirectLogin token
  getbanks                🏦 Get list of banks
  getcardbyid             💳 Get card by id
  getcardbynumber         💳 Get card by card number
  getcards                💳 Get list of cards at bank
  getconsents             🚧 Get consents
  getconsentstatus        🚧 Get consent status- with certificate
  getcustomers            👥 Get list of customers
  getuser                 😃 Get your user info
  getuserid               📋 Get your user id
  getuseridbyusername     📋 Get user id by username
  getusers                😃 Get all users
  importaccounts          🚜 Import accounts from spreadsheet template
  importatms              🚜 Import atms from spreadsheet template
  importbranches          🚜 Import branches from spreadsheet template
  importcardattribues     🚜 Import card attributes from spreadsheet template
  importcards             🚜 Import cards from spreadsheet template
  importcustomers         🚜 Import customers from spreadsheet template
  importfx                🚜 📉 Load all foreign exchange rates (FX) to all...
  importtransactions      🚜 Import transactions from spreadsheet template
  importusers             🚜 Import users from spreadsheet template
  init                    💡 Initalize connection to your Open Bank Project...
  linkusertocustomer      🔗 Link user to a customer
  revokeconsent           🚧 Revoke consent
  sandboximport           🚜 Bulk import sandbox data from json input


You must initalize the obp cli once, by doing:

obp init

Generate Direct Login Token

obp init 
Please enter your API_HOST: api.example.com
Please enter your username:
Please enter your password: : 
Repeat for confirmation: 
... generating direct login token
Please enter your OBP_CONSUMER_KEY: # Go to api.example.com, then "Get API Key" to generate consumer key.
obp getauth # Displays your DirectLogin token

Create Bulk Users for load testing

obp bulkcreateusers --name-prefix=magniaffaffel --number-users=3 --number-transactions=3 --bank-id=rbs --seed-account-id=26fa77a2-028f-4022-b47d-26caa8db359b --seed-bank-id=rbs --seed-account-currency=GBP

Will create Users up to --number-users, username will be --name-prefix + usernumber (iterated per user starting from 1 till --number-users) with 5 Accounts with each having --number-transactions transactions. Needs a seed account to make the transactions from.


Note You can ignore this is your just using the utlity. This is just for developing the utlity.

To work on this utility as a developer:

# Setup python3 environment
virtualenv -p python3 venv
. venv/bin/activate
git clone <this-repo>
# Building wheels etc
python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
# Installing your edits locally:
pip install -e <path-to-this-repo> # -e means Install  a  project  in editable mode (i.e.  setuptools "developmode")
# Work on utility..submit pull request 

Update history
  • 0.19 Added sandboximport utility obp sandboximport --example
  • 0.0.9 Switch to use OBP_API_HOST instead of OBP_ENDPOINT