
Generate a bibtex entry from a doi.

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Generate a bibtex entry from a doi.


let doi2bib = doi2bib::Doi2Bib::new().unwrap();
let bibtex = doi2bib.resolve_doi("10.1109/5.771073").await.unwrap();
println!("{}", bibtex);
// @article{Yu_2013,
//     doi = {10.1038/nature12097},
//     url = {https://doi.org/10.1038%2Fnature12097},
//     year = 2013,
//     month = {apr},
//     publisher = {Springer Science and Business Media {LLC}},
//     volume = {497},
//     number = {7448},
//     pages = {196--197},
//     author = {Shannon F. Yu and Mary K. Baylies},
//     title = {Death brings new life to muscle},
//     journal = {Nature}
// }


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