
Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

spdlog for OpenCAX+ external

spdlog Build spdlog Publish

spdlog is a fast C++ logging library, find more here

Things that you need to modify

  • This README.md file
  • The workflow yml files, change the name of workflow
  • The ocp.yml file
  • scripts/prepare.sh
  • scripts/install.sh
  • Create any new configurations build and install script in the config folder

Things you need to check before publish the external project

  • run the prepare.sh script locally, is the external project's source code resides in ocp/external/external_id/version/source?
  • does the ocp/external/external_id/version folder also contains a ocp.yml file and any build configuration folders that you want?
  • run the ocp/external/external_id/version/config/$config.sh script locally, is the build cache files put into ocp/external/external_id/version/build/$config folder, and the install files put into ocp/external/external_id/version/install/$config folder?
  • run the External Build workflow

Some rules

  1. Structure of the compressed source code must be like ocp/external/external_id/version/source, where the source code resides. The ocp.yml file should be copied to ocp/external/external_id/version folder.
  2. Must use tar.xz to compress the ocp folder
  3. The install script must install compiled software to an install subdirectory under the configuration folder.

Folder structure explained

  • scripts, useful scripts but won't be included into the distributed compress file.
    • prepare.sh, to prepare the folder structure for external source. It must located in ocp/external/external_id/version/source
    • publish.sh, to xz compress the external source code and publish to OSS bucket. This should only to be used by the OpenCAX+ runner.
    • install.sh,
  • config, contains specific build configuration scripts to install different build configuration of the source code. You must put any build files into a build subfolder, and all install files into the install subfolder.


source scripts/prepare.sh 1.11.0
source scripts/publish.sh 1.11.0