
A tool to generate configs from SMD

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

OpenCHAMI Configurator

The configurator (portmanteau of config + generator) is a tool that fetchs data from an instance of SMD to generate commonly used config files. The tool is also capable of some templating using the Jinja 2 syntax with generator plugins.

Building and Usage

The configurator is built using standard go build tools. The project separates the client and server with build tags. To get started, clone the project, download the dependencies, and build the project:

git clone https://github.com/OpenCHAMI/configurator.git
go mod tidy
go build --tags all # equivalent to `go build --tags client,server``

## ...or just run `make` in project directory

This will build the main driver program, but also requires generator plugins to define how new config files are generated. The default plugins can be built using the following build command:

go build -buildmode=plugin -o lib/conman.so internal/generator/plugins/conman/conman.go
go build -buildmode=plugin -o lib/coredhcp.so internal/generator/plugins/coredhcp/coredhcp.go
go build -buildmode=plugin -o lib/dnsmasq.so internal/generator/plugins/dnsmasq/dnsmasq.go
go build -buildmode=plugin -o lib/powerman.so internal/generator/plugins/powerman/powerman.go
go build -buildmode=plugin -o lib/syslog.so internal/generator/plugins/syslog/syslog.go

These commands will build the default plugins and store them in the "lib" directory by default. Alternatively, the plugins can be built using make plugins if GNU make is installed and available. After you build the plugins, run the following to use the tool:

./configurator generate --config config.yaml --target dnsmasq -o dnsmasq.conf

This will generate a new dnsmasq config file based on the Jinja 2 template specified in the config file for "dnsmasq". The --target flag specifies the type of config file to generate by its name (see the Creating Generator Plugins section for details). The configurator tool requires a valid access token when making requests to an instance of SMD that has protected routes.

The tool can also run as a microservice:

./configurator serve --config config.yaml

Once the server is up and listening for HTTP requests, you can try making a request to it with curl:


This will do the same thing as the generate subcommand, but remotely.

Creating Generator Plugins

The configurator uses generator plugins to define how config files are generated using a Generator interface. The interface is defined like so:

type Generator interface {
  GetName() string
  GetGroups() []string
  Generate(config *configurator.Config, opts ...util.Option) ([]byte, error)

A new plugin can be created by implementing the methods from interface and exporting a symbol with Generator as the name and the plugin struct as the type. The GetName() function returns the name that is used for looking up the corresponding template set in your config file. The GetGroups() function is used to look all of the groups that the plugin is included. The Generate function is where the magic happens to build the config file from a template.

package main

type MyGenerator struct {}

func (g *MyGenerator) GetName() string {
  return "my-generator"

func (g *MyGenerator) GetGroups() []string {
  return []string{ "my-generator" }

func (g *MyGenerator) Generate(config *configurator.Config, opts ...util.Option) ([]byte, error) {
  // do config generation stuff here...
  var (
    params = generator.GetParams(opts...)
    client = generator.GetClient(params)
    output = ""
  if client {
    eths, err := client.FetchEthernetInterfaces(opts...)
    // ... blah, blah, blah, format output, and so on...

  // apply the template and get substituted output as byte array
  return generator.ApplyTemplate(path, generator.Mappings{
    "hosts": output,

// this MUST be named "Generator" for symbol lookup
var Generator MyGenerator

Finally, build the plugin and put it somewhere specified by plugins in your config. Make sure that the package is main before building.

go build -buildmode=plugin -o lib/mygenerator.so path/to/mygenerator.go

Now your plugin should be available to use with the configurator main driver.


Here is an example config file to start using configurator:

  port: 3334
    uri: ""
    retries: 5
  port: 27779
  dnsmasq: templates/dnsmasq.jinja
  coredhcp: templates/coredhcp.jinja
  syslog: templates/syslog.jinja
  ansible: templates/ansible.jinja
  powerman: templates/powerman.jinja
  conman: templates/conman.jinja
    - dnsmasq
    - syslog
    - ansible
    - powerman
    - conman
  - "lib/"

The server section sets the properties for running the configurator tool as a service and is not required if you're only using the CLI. Also note that the jwks-uri parameter is only needs for protecting endpoints. If it is not set, then the API is entirely public. The smd section tells the configurator tool where to find SMD to pull state management data used by the internal client. The templates section is where the paths are mapped to each generator plugin by its name (see the Creating Generator Plugins section for details). The plugins is a list of paths to load generator plugins.

Known Issues

  • Adds a new OAuthClient with every token request


  • Add group functionality
  • Extend SMD client functionality
  • Redo service API with authorization