
Unable to access to admin website for production

Closed this issue · 51 comments


My user reported that they are unable to login to admin website it shows that admin address wallet not found.
We are still able to use it on last monday. Please help to check ASAP. Thanks.

Hi, there is a bug in chrome 91 so we had to make a fix yesterday. It works on Chrome but now it doesn't work on firefox.

Use chrome for the moment

Hi, my user try on chrome and edge is not working.

when did they try ?

Today between 2pm to 3pm.

what version of chrome ?

I cant see the image

In the meantime, users can use ledger through metamask =>

Version 91.0.4472.77

Hum, I don't see ny reason it doesn't work as we fixed yesterday for this version. Ask the user to refresh or to use the alternate flow above

I will get my user to try and update you if there are any issue face

My users are not comfortable to use metamask due to the recently cases of ether beings stolen hence please help to fix it asap as we will need to re issue some opencerts. thanks.

Hi, I have the same issue too, that admin address wallet not found despite connected. Both Firefox and Google Chrome doesn't work.
Google Chrome version: 91.0.4472.77
Firefox version: 89.0

Metakmask also doesn't work for me when I was trying to issue out one of the batches.

FYI, i'm doing testing and is using Ropsten network. Few weeks ago, my user was using the Production network and it is working fine.

Send an har from the page load to the failure

exact issue stems from LedgerHQ/ledgerjs#607 -> latest chrome should work -> firefox should work

note that these are interim solutions, the ideal usage is to connect hardware ledger via metamask ->

@simboonlong thank you. I tried and it is working.

I am trying to access the admin opencerts link below via metamask and unable to access. As we need to go through UAT, we use the metamask to publish certificate for UAT purpose. Please advise urgently. thank you.


to add on, I did try using firefox but issue not resolved.

the url u tried on is a netlify preview url. using firefox browser, can try on instead?

We use for UAT purpose. The link given is production url. I suppose we can't use it for UAT purpose. Furthermore, same issue occur using the url given.


tried issuing on chrome with metamask, works fine



You can use both url in uat / prod.

The kind of metamask account (ropsten / mainnet) determine whether it's prod or not

I tried access using chrome using the url but unable to access. My Chrome version as below.

is there any alternative for this? we have urgent deployment and need to verify it in UAT. would you be able to help publish via UAT link instead?

You can use both url in uat / prod.

The kind of metamask account (ropsten / mainnet) determine whether it's prod or not

As mentioned above there is no such thing called uat

So you tried the 4 combination?
What's the error in the console?

there is no error. I recall I highlighted this issue before in spectrum chat to access using Chrome (use nano ledger) have same issue also. You mentioned to use firefox to access via url. It solve the issue.
However, when I access via Chrome and Firefox as advise base on 2 url above via metamask, the same issue occur where unable to load to the publish certificate page.



U tried both URL in both chrome and Firefox and all fail?

For the 4 tries, there is no error in the developer console?

you mean need to try 4 times in both Chrome and firefox for the page to work?

I just want to make sure you try everything you can, not saying it's a long term solution:

    • Does it work on Chrome? Is there an error in the developer console?
    • Does it work on Firefox? Is there an error in the developer console?
    • Does it work on Chrome? Is there an error in the developer console?
    • Does it work on Firefox? Is there an error in the developer console?

What do you use?

  • ledger flow?
  • ledger through metamask flow?

the 4 options mentioned not working.

I use metamask without ledger. I use account register before for testing purpose. We don't have ledger for testing purpose.

oh metamask only, it's surprising.

I have it working on a windows machine with chrome 94 as well.

Are you sure nothing is blocking the extension on your side ? You can also try to reinstall the extension eventually

I try access from my home computer, same thing occur.

Since you able to access, do you able to help us publish the certificate? We really need to get the UAT done sooner as user need to publish certificate on 15 Oct with the new template.

May I email you the certificate store and merkle root hash?

I could do it, but that also required you to give me your private key, otherwise i won't be able to publish to your certificate store

Did you try the CLI?

if no, please advise how do we go about publishing the certificate.

what CLI do you mean?

I'm trying to find internally someone for who metamask fails, unsuccessfully for the moment

If you follow the tutorial in you will learn how to use it

sorry we don't have time for that. Can you provide alternative to resolve this issue?

tried again and still works, documentating it:


in this example, for a start maybe can check if the document store address is in the txt records of the domain name where your renderer is sitting at. can use to check. make sure this document store address was deployed previously with the same wallet metamask account, otherwise you cannot issue.

then use merkleRoot value to issue

reading and understanding the docs takes about a day, the most 2. if short of time, as mentioned can read only the document store cli portion and figure what you need to do. once understood, deploying and issue via CLI takes less than half a day

we do not know at which point you fail, as depending on organisation, each might have their own workflow

which version of firefox that you are using and is working?

I tried by downgrade the chrome in my personal pc to 91.0.04472.77, also unable to access the url

in the example above was Chrome Version 94.0.4606.71. is a publicly accessible website. do you happen to have some other browser extensions installed? if so, try disabling them to see if any caused the url to be inaccessible first?

did you try metamask without ledger to publish certificate?

yes, I've asked everyone in the team, nobody faced the issue you describe.

Maybe there is really an issue, but I feel something is wrong on your side (something is blocking the plugin ? plugin disabled? error in the console?)

Without more information we can't help you and we give you an alternate solution with the CLI that you rejected :)

Ok. found that the metamask extension was blocked. May be that is the root cause.
I am checking with the infra team to enable it. Will update you if issue persist.

I manage to access via metamask in Chrome. Is due to metamask extension been block.
However my user try access via ledger using firefox and chrome, but have the following error using firefox & chrome url.


Hi, any update on the issue above? We need to publish certificate soonest. Wish to hear from you soon. Thank you.

Try to check out with ledger support

ok thank you. Please keep me posted. thank you.

I didn't mean i was doing it for you. I meant it for you to check with ledger support. The warning is not normal. Clear this first

ok noted.

Hi @jacelee2000 did you manage to fix the problem?