The Splinter proxy is a proxy intended to allow a player to traverse a network of Minecraft servers seamlessly as if they were a single server running a single world.
Minecraft servers struggle with large numbers of players. This project would turn a single Minecraft world into a scalable network of servers.
You will need Rust. You can get this through rustup.
Build and run through cargo run
Grab a 1.17.1 server from Spigot BuildTools or Paper.
There are some required settings in
The server port that Splinter will look for can be changed within its configuration fileconfig.ron
to disable authentication. Splinter cannot use servers with authentication turned on.
Then you can run the server with java -jar [server jar name].jar --nogui
Join with a 1.17.1 Minecraft client. If you're running the proxy on the same device you're playing from, then you can connect to localhost
Join the OpenClique discord.
Check out the prototype.
- Discord: Leap#0765
- Discord: regenerativep#4103