This project contains the Statistics API to retrieve OpenConext login information.
Overview Requirements
- Python 3.6.x
- InfluxDB v1.5.x
- Yarn 1.7+
- node
Getting started
Create a virtual environment:
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r ./requirements/test.txt
Ensure InfluxDb is running and run the Python server:
PROFILE=local python -m server
The GUI can be started with:
cd client
yarn start
To create a GUI production build to be deployed:
yarn build
To analyze the bundle:
yarn analyze
See the Wiki for the API documentation.
To run all Python tests:
flake8 server
pytest server
To generate coverage reports:
pytest --cov=server --cov-report html:htmlcov server/test
open htmlcov/index.html
To run all JavaScript tests:
cd client
yarn test
Or to run all the tests and do not watch:
cd client
CI=true yarn test