- 0
BUG: v4.7.1221 takes 4 times as long to process heavy threaded tests than v4.6.519
#1057 opened by kamisal - 20
- 0
how to merge multiple opencover XML files
#1056 opened by irfanjs - 0
- 0
Unhandled exception. System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'source')
#1050 opened by sandeepsp2507 - 18
OpenCover v4.7.1221 reports almost zero coverage on a large net40 application
#1047 opened by ndepend - 5
PathMap support
#1048 opened by manuc66 - 0
Investigate using AppVeyor parallel builds
#1049 opened by sawilde - 4
Very poor performance (1500x overhead or more)
#1035 opened by pkrukp - 0
- 3
- 0
Issue with environment which supports environment variables with same name, different case
#947 opened by fluffynuts - 0
OpenCover closes and no results are captured when Ctrl+C is used to close the target process
#1027 opened by sawilde - 1
Cannot compile an run the opencover code through command line and visual studio
#1022 opened by namratachaudhar - 3
- 1
- 11
- 3
Getting intermediate (current) coverage percent during tests execution
#1000 opened by IgorBuchelnikov - 2
Coverage is not recorder for some projects
#1008 opened by slapikv - 3
switch expression only partialy covered, but same as statement fully covered
#960 opened by LukasGelke - 8
Projects being ignored by opencover 4.7.1113
#993 opened by pmiguelcastro - 6
Possibility to add a covering assembly at runtime
#950 opened by Serg046 - 1
Possibility to support incremental code coverage
#972 opened by 151812117 - 1
Spaces in TargetArgs
#970 opened by michaelfoster9 - 4
- 2
ErrorSyntax with parameters -coverbytest
#973 opened by buiduythienbp96 - 0
Any chance to Upgrade to "Sentry 1.2" instead of "Sentry 1.1.2" which is in use today
#953 opened by OysteinLund - 0
CVE-2018-1285 in log4net 2.0.8
#964 opened by medianick - 7
OpenCover is taking an extraordinarily long time (45 minutes) to process unit test output and produce the coverage report.
#969 opened by FrankRay78 - 1
How do I use this with MS Test?
#971 opened by alex-jitbit - 0
Open coverage fail to run others machine
#941 opened by MuhammadNoman-SE - 1
- 1
- 1
open cover and report generator- unable to generate report for the class files (.cs files) in web application
#945 opened by adithig - 2
Coverage data is inconsistent (sometimes ~3% coverage, sometimes 0 coverage)
#946 opened by mwelsh1118 - 1
Casting Instruction.Operand as FieldDefintion results in null object and proceeds to throw null exception in CecilSymbolManager.IgnoreConditionalBranchSequence(Instruction instruction, Collection<Instruction> instructions, int branchOffset)
#948 opened by Cjewett - 1
The app always doesn't load my assembly.
#949 opened by lwl5219 - 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
No result!
#956 opened by bboysteed - 1
- 1
Generating coverage outside of test framework
#959 opened by majkinetor - 1
- 1
Unable to get coverage for service
#966 opened by Hack3l - 2
Visual Studio extension
#968 opened by FortuneN - 1
Need to request slight modifications to CLA so company members can contribute
#967 opened by BrittanyIstenes - 1
opencover not calculating code coverage for actual referenced dll/assembly
#958 opened by AnandJillawar - 2
Open cover giving separate coverage report for actual project and test project
#961 opened by hari2611 - 1