
Support portable pdb files

jp7677 opened this issue ยท 24 comments

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My Framework

  • .NET 2
  • .NET 3.5
  • .NET 4
  • .NET 4.5
  • .NET 4.6
  • .NET 4.6.1
  • .NET 4.6.2
  • .NET Core 1.0.0
  • Something else

My Environment

  • Windows 7 or below (not truly supported due to EOL)
  • Windows 8
  • Windows 8.1
  • Windows 10
  • Windows 10 IoT Core
  • Windows Server 2012
  • Windows Server 2012 R2 (Appveyor)
  • Windows Server 2016

I have already...

  • repeated the problem using the latest stable release of OpenCover.
  • reviewed the usage guide and usage document.
  • have looked at the opencover output xml file in an attempt to resolve the issue.
  • reviewed the current issues to check that the issue isn't already known.

My issue is related to (check only those which apply):

  • no coverage being recorded
  • 32 or 64 bit support
  • feature request

Expected Behavior

OpenCover should report some coverage when profiling dotnet core assemblies with portable pdb's.

Actual Behavior

The assemblies are skipped due to "MissingPdb"

Steps to reproduce the problem:

Compile a dotnet core assembly with "debugType": "portable" in buildOptions in the project.json and profile some tests using OpenCover.

Dotnet Core introduced a new format for pdb files ( OpenCover shoud support this new format when profiling. As stated here #601 Mono.Cecil should provide the needed support. It seems the code is already there: jbevain/cecil@7cde491.

It seems the code is already there: jbevain/cecil@7cde491.

That code has been there since 31/7/2015 but OpenCover has been using the package from 30/5/2015 [so the fix has not been available], however it seems that just yesterday 19/6/2016 a new package was released; there was no

So it looks like it was released just in time for us to address this feature.

Nice to read that! Looking forward to coverage reports over Dotnet Core C# and F# ;)

Unfortunate does not work and the library is throwing an exception. Will try and investigate but it may not be trivial

Okay it seems the fix is in master for the next release (0.10.) but is not available for the 0.9.6. packages

Thanks a lot for sharing you information. I would be happy to make some tests with C# and F# on dotnet core if you manage to release a pre-release on nuget based on the cecil pre-release.

I have a build available here -

The new mono.cecil is due in a week or so, so I'll probably wait for that before pushing out a new OpenCover package.

Hi there. good work! Using your appveyor build I could run my unit tests with portable pdb files and the coverage for C# was reported. Cool!

Unfortunately Opencover still complains about MissingPdb in an F# project with portable pdb's. Is there a way to get some more info from OpenCover about the actual reason? Or could I provide you a sample so that you can step through with a debugger? I could attach some binaries to this issue or alternatively you could take a look at, though the latest master doesn't yet has the "debugType": "portable" switch in the projects.json's.

FYI, updating Microsoft.FSharp.Core.netcore to 1.0.0-alpha-160727 makes no difference. Though of course still possible that the f# coverage issue is related to an issue in f# for .net core and not something within OpenCover.

@jp7677 - A sample would be better as then I am testing the same thing as you are; always hard to replicate these things sometimes.

@sawilde You could:

  • clone
  • run git checkout origin/portable-pdb
  • run dotnet restore
  • run dotnet test test/app.tests to validate that everything is fine.
  • run
    OpenCover.Console.exe -target:dotnet.exe -targetargs:"test test\app.tests" -register:user -filter:"+[HelloCoreClrApp*]* -[HelloCoreClrApp*.Tests*]*" -hideskipped:Filter -mergeoutput -output:reports\coverage-dotnet.xml
  • inspect the reports\coverage-dotnet.xml report. HelloCoreClrApp.dll (c#) is correctly covered, whereas HelloCoreClrApp.Rules.dll (f#) is not covered due to "MissingPdb".

Please let me know if above works for you or if I can help in a different way.

Hi @sawilde I have tested the portable pdb's i.c.w. C# and F# in Dotnet Core 1.1 again with your pre-release again. The C# code was already perfectly covered. It seems that coverage of F# sources is also correctly reported now. Dunno if its DotNet 1.1 or the latest versions of the F# packages for Dotnet Core, but its working now. Very cool ;)
Thus your pre-release with the Cecil beta works perfectly fine now for me for both C# and F#.

Awesome - thanks for the update

Any idea when this will hit

nope - as I have said I am waiting on Mono.Cecil to come out of beta

Okay, any chance you can setup a MyGet feed so we can just reference that until then?

Yeah, or just a beta release on NuGet would be awesome. ๐Ÿ™

With ppdb's one thing to note is that they can be embedded in the dll. They may not be a standalone dll.


Until this is available does anyone have a workaround for F#? I can set DebugType full in a .csproj and it generates the windows .pdbs, but if I do the same for an .fsproj, no .pdb is produced at all :(

@jp7677 thanks. The documentation on the F# side isn't quite right, so they're going to look at making it clear that they only do portable. dotnet/fsharp#2565

I've used your method and it worked fine, cheers ๐Ÿ‘

Closing this issue as it is covered by #595

  • raised additional cards to track the other issues raised here

Opencover not creating any profling information

  1. Visual Studio 2015
  2. .net 4.5
  3. Latest oepnover
  4. The msbuils target getting executed with our error , but getting a portable file issue
  5. coverage report file ,coverage history file ..etc getting created . But no content in the files execpet a few line

here is my target which gets executed with a issue stating that the portable is missing

I have my Target Name="CoverageOC" which works but shows an error that portable is missing

@manjushavnair please raise this as a new issue rather than hijack an old one - thanks