- Transform in-comprehensive raw data to a vast array of stunning visualizations to ensure they are presented in the most meaningful and engaging way.
- Small businesses cannot afford an expensive analyst, especially when they want to be up to date with the new data coming in all the time.
- Our expert analysts create insights that matter and generate a better understanding of industry trends and opportunities.
The goal is to use a multi-tier architecture that will allow everyone to easily add more data to the platform.
- On the lowest tier we have the parsers that are linked with a specific dataset, that extract all the valuable information from any format and return it to a machine-friendly JSON format.
- After that is the caching tier that makes sure that for a specific time (different for each dataset based on the update rate) we don't do any unnecessary parsing.
- On the top level, the fetching level, it's what actually communicates with the Dashboard API and the developers API.
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