- 13
Logo design for ODC #9
#120 opened by krrsna37 - 0
- 1
Create design guide
#153 opened by epowell101 - 2
Speaking at Daocon in paris
#157 opened by poupou-web3 - 4
Care and feeding of Loki & Thor including documentation, placement w/ access controls, documentation, and ongoing maintenance
#160 opened by sarob - 1
Create MintKudos for recent hackathons
#146 opened by epowell101 - 3
engineering to make migration to ODC happen
#158 opened by sarob - 1
Zen FDDhub tool to access the graph IO data. needs credits. engineering every couple days dump to ocean
#161 opened by sarob - 3
Next step with putting on chain Regen Rangers & ODC Jedi - via Hats Protocol
#169 opened by epowell101 - 7
Take live a reactive front page to our web site
#170 opened by epowell101 - 4
evaluate alternative hackathon platforms
#148 opened by epowell101 - 0
the 5 areas of growth for the OpenData Community - may need a project to grow each of these positive cycles
#173 opened by epowell101 - 1
ODC will speak at compute over data event
#168 opened by sarob - 0
- 2
Sarob to work with David G on next steps
#164 opened by sarob - 1
Zen to ask gitcoin if we should expand Loki
#159 opened by sarob - 1
Collaboration on Trueblocks with Gitcoin
#165 opened by sarob - 1
Engineering support for the April Hackathon
#154 opened by sarob - 2
- 1
ODC will use bacalhau for hackathon for Lego execution
#166 opened by sarob - 4
Create a Lego registry - Sandbox?
#138 opened by epowell101 - 1
- 1
- 1
Evaluate options for training new Jedi - Padawan
#150 opened by sarob - 0
Scorer API doesn't have time stamps and rate limited
#162 opened by sarob - 6
update hackathon menu
#145 opened by sarob - 6
stand up an Ethereum node on Akash
#149 opened by epowell101 - 0
Conduct a retroactive community funding round
#156 opened by epowell101 - 1
move gist explaining how to run Erigon archive mode on Akash into suitable location
#155 opened by epowell101 - 1
- 1
Hackathon promotion and outreach plan
#151 opened by epowell101 - 2
- 2
Build Regen Rangers lore & presence
#132 opened by epowell101 - 2
Write up intro to next hackathon(s)
#133 opened by epowell101 - 1
Establish Twitter Space schedule
#134 opened by epowell101 - 1
- 1
Sandbox pipeline drawing
#137 opened by epowell101 - 4
Add Forum to the home page of the website
#144 opened by epowell101 - 1
complete remaining work from Jan 2023 hackathon
#140 opened by sarob - 6
Creating and restructuring labels
#139 opened by poupou-web3 - 2
- 1
Prepare for April 2023 Hackathon - tasks
#141 opened by sarob - 4
- 0
Write a history of ODC blog post
#131 opened by sarob - 4
Highlight past and new hackathon entries
#106 opened by epowell101 - 0
Send out the survey and get responses
#108 opened by epowell101 - 0
Write a summary of the hackathon - to be shared w/ sponsors including Gitcoin
#107 opened by epowell101 - 1 and need to be reconciled
#119 opened by sarob - 0
test task
#104 opened by dework-integration - 1
Test issue
#93 opened by bao257nao