OpenFloodAI is an open-source project dedicated & focused on research & developing solutions for Flood related issues.
Click on the Fork button at the top of the Github page in
This creates a copy(fork) of the repository in your Github account.
To make your own local copy of the repository you would like to contribute to, type in the terminal:
git clone<your-username>/
where you replace by your Github username. You can find this link on clicking the green "Clone or download" button in your repo (in your account).
git branch <newbranch>
git checkout <newbranch>
Where you can replace by the name of the branch you'd like to create. This checks you out to the new branch.
Fix the issues or contribute as you would like to, by making appropriate changes. Once you have made your changes, commit them as:
git add .
git commit -m "<a suitable message for the commit>"
git push --set-upstream origin new-branch
Once you have pushed your branch, navigate to the forked repository on your GitHub webpage and toggle to the branch you just pushed to see the changes you have made in-browser.
At this point, it is possible to make a pull request to the original repository. Click on the Pull Request button which shows up at the top of your repo. Make sure your branch is mergeable.