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Does /usr/bin/env cause problems in docker containers with non-standard app users?
#39 opened by taylordowns2000 - 0
- 0
"ShellRuntime task exited without a value" during Kubernetes rollouts during high-traffic periods
#35 opened by taylordowns2000 - 0
AdaptorService crashes if there are no adaptors
#34 opened by stuartc - 0
Disable adaptor listing conditionally
#32 opened by stuartc - 0
Provide replacement for execute_sync/2
#20 opened by stuartc - 0
- 0
AdaptorService enhancements
#30 opened by taylordowns2000 - 0
Aligning "meta" with platform?
#29 opened by taylordowns2000 - 0
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- 0
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project.yaml can use URI scheme for job expressions and credential bodies
#14 opened by taylordowns2000 - 0
Better logging
#15 opened by taylordowns2000 - 1
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Write all temporary files to the basedir
#11 opened by stuartc - 1
Keep config in state
#3 opened by stuartc - 0
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