[CVPR 2023] VideoMAE V2: Scaling Video Masked Autoencoders with Dual Masking
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TAD timm版本
#72 opened by yubo200526 - 1
- 0
#70 opened by Marydsy - 2
- 4
The TAD Features download link is broken
#69 opened by LHX0303 - 2
The model download link is broken
#64 opened by Bazinga699 - 2
Checkpoint link broken
#67 opened by hamzakhalil798 - 3
- 2
#65 opened by hanfeng0409 - 0
code for post-pretraining
#66 opened by baoxiaoyi - 5
Model Weights
#63 opened by SamHSHS - 0
Zero-shot evaluations on downstream datasets
#60 opened by XuecWu - 1
Knowledge distillation code
#61 opened by rixejzvdl649 - 19
- 0
- 0
Finetuning with more than 16 frames
#58 opened by CSLR-research - 6
- 0
Code implementation of model inference
#57 opened by XuecWu - 0
- 0
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Visualization Script
#36 opened by kfirgoldberg - 18
- 3
- 1
- 12
- 3
- 1
- 1
Extracting Features from Frame Level Data
#43 opened by n1791348200 - 1
VideoMAEv2-L Weights/Checkpoints
#44 opened by CarrotPeeler - 1
Pretrained smaller models availability
#45 opened by ganzobtn - 3
Initialize student model's weights
#46 opened by duytue-kite - 2
Apply VideoMAEV2 to other directions.
#47 opened by dufan175 - 1
Finetuned smaller models
#48 opened by vpfuentealba - 0
Could you provide features for ActivityNet 1.2 and ActivityNet 1.3 features extracted by videomaev2 ?
#49 opened by Value-Jack - 1
Could you provide ActivityNet 1.2 and ActivityNet 1.3 features extracted by videomaev2 ?
#50 opened by Value-Jack - 7
- 1
The parameter grad_norm appears to be inf and then nan when input resolution is 112*112 during the pre-training on VIT-Small backbone
#53 opened by DragonWang-cell - 0
#54 opened by justzhanghong - 2
How to train my own dataset?
#30 opened by wang9danzuishuai - 6
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Starting the pretraining from checkpoint..
#33 opened by SushantGautam - 2
could you please provide the weights of VideoMAEv2 pre-trained on Kinetics-400?
#25 opened by fmthoker - 1
Clarification on published logs.
#32 opened by SushantGautam - 1
No module named 'petrel_client'
#31 opened by SeeeeShiwei - 1
In datasets/ > def build_dataset > should the "anno_path" for mode = 'test' be (args.data_path, 'test.csv') instead of what it is currently (args.data_path, 'val.csv')?
#27 opened by yerx - 1
- 2
#28 opened by bimver - 7
I find that there seems to be some strange things in the evaluation of model.
#23 opened by leexinhao - 2
Do you have the finetuned checkpoints for UCF101?
#22 opened by yerx - 4
The hyperparameter Settings in the script seem to be inconsistent with those in the paper
#21 opened by leexinhao