Reference implementation of the ISDA-proposed Standard Initial Margin Model (SIMM) for non-cleared derivatives

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


OpenSIMM by OpenGamma

Build Status License

This repository contains a standalone reference implementation of the original ISDA-proposed Standard Initial Margin Model (SIMM) for non-cleared derivatives. This implements the initial HVaR-based approach.

Since OpenSIMM was released, OpenGamma has continued to work with the industry to implement the latest versions of the SIMM standard. Due to ISDA licensing restrictions we are unable to release these later versions as open source software, but they are available commercially from OpenGamma. Please contact us for further information at simm@opengamma.com.

OpenSIMM is released as open source software under the Apache v2.0 license.

For more information please refer to our website, or contact us at simm@opengamma.com

If you would like the full implementation whitepaper, please contact us at simm@opengamma.com


This repository contains version 1.0 as available in Maven Central. OpenSIMM requires Java SE 8 or later.


Building OpenSIMM


The source code can be cloned using git from GitHub:

git clone https://github.com/OpenGamma/OpenSIMM.git

Simply run this command to compile and install the source code locally:

mvn install

The project contains only one external dependency - TestNG which is required for running the unit tests. Apart from this, the project is entirely stand-alone.

Running OpenSIMM

The calculation can be run from the command line.

First run:

mvn package

This will build a jar file: opensimm-1.0.jar

The jar file can then be executed:

java -jar target/opensimm-1.0.jar src/test/resources/simm-sample/simm.properties

which should give the output similar to the following:

----------- ----------
Asset Class Var
----------- ----------
CO            564.3703
IR            447.5351
CR             33.3300
EQ            740.7143
----------- ----------
Total       1,785.9496
----------- ----------

SIMM Calculator

The primary class in the system is the SimmCalculator class. The following sections describe how to calculate a VaR measure for asset classes using SIMM.

The calculator can either be used with raw data provided programatically, or by loading csv files.

Data Types

In order to perform the calculation a number of different types of data need to be supplied:

  • Risk Factors - risk factors describe categories that a portfolio can be split into. A risk factor has:

    • a unique name,
    • an asset class - one of IR (Interest Rate), CR (Credit), EQ (Equity) or CO (Commodity)
    • the risk type - one of SENSITIVITY or EXPOSURE
    • the shock type - either AB (Absolute) or RE (Relative). If relative then a shift can also be supplied.
  • Risk Factor Base Levels - the base levels describe the starting value for each risk factor

  • Risk Factor Shocks - the shocks are a set of perturbations to be applied to the base levels. These are then used in performing the VaR calculation.

  • Base Currency - the currency that all output will be in

  • FX Rates - the set of current FX rates for all currencies in the portfolio

  • FX Rate Shocks - the set of shocks to be applied to the FX Rates

  • Derivative Portfolio - the portfolio to be evaluated broken down into exposures against each Risk Factor.

  • Initial Margin Portfolio - any initial margin broken down into exposures against each Risk Factor.

  • Variation Margin Portfolio - any variation margin broken down into exposures against each Risk Factor.

Executing Programmatically

To execute the calculation (for instance in a test):

// Create risk factor names
RiskFactor IBM = StandardRiskFactor.of("IBM");
RiskFactor USD_IRSL3M_2Y = StandardRiskFactor.of("USD-IRSL3M-2Y");

// create risk factor properties and put into map
Map<RiskFactor, RiskFactorProperties> riskFactorProperties = new HashMap<>();
riskFactorProperties.put(USD_IRSL3M_2Y, RiskFactorProperties.relativeShock(IR, SENSITIVITY, 0.04));
riskFactorProperties.put(IBM, RiskFactorProperties.absoluteShock(CR, SENSITIVITY));

// create risk factor base levels
Map<RiskFactor, Double> baseLevels = new HashMap<>();
baseLevels.put(USD_IRSL3M_2Y, 0.01);
baseLevels.put(IBM, 0.0120);

// create fx matrix for all currencies to be used
FxMatrix fxMatrix = FxMatrix.builder()
    .addRate(EUR, USD, 1.40)
    .addRate(GBP, USD, 1.60)

// create risk factor shocks
Map<RiskFactor, List<Double>> riskFactorShocks = new HashMap<>();
    // Normally many, many more
    Arrays.asList(1.0025, 1.0025, 0.9975, 0.9975, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0025));
riskFactorShocks.put(IBM, Arrays.asList(0.0001, -0.0005, -0.0050, 0.0002, -0.0006, -0.0051));

// create FX shock
Map<Pair<Currency, Currency>, List<Double>> fxShocks = new HashMap<>();
// Shock length must match that for IR risk factors - USD_IRSL3M_2Y in this case
fxShocks.put(Pair.of(EUR, USD),
    Arrays.asList(1.0000, 1.0010, 0.9975, 0.9950, 1.0002, 1.0100, 0.9950, 0.9970));
fxShocks.put(Pair.of(GBP, USD),
    Arrays.asList(0.9985, 1.0020, 1.0000, 0.9950, 1.0003, 1.0100, 0.9940, 0.9960));

// Now setup the calculator with all the data we have so far
SimmCalculator calculator = SimmCalculator.builder()

// Build the portfolio to be assessed
List<PortfolioExposure> portfolio = Arrays.asList(
    PortfolioExposure.of(USD_IRSL3M_2Y, 250_000, USD),
    PortfolioExposure.of(IBM, 100_000, GBP),
    // Currency positions can be held too
    RawDelta.of(FxRiskFactor.of(GBP), 125_000, GBP));

// It is also possible to provide current initial and variation
// margining positions in the same format - see version of
// calculator.varByAssetClass taking three arguments

// Calculate the values for the portfolio
Map<AssetClass, Double> result = calculator.varByAssetClass(portfolio);

Executing from data files

It is possible to load the required data from csv files rather than programmatically creating the data as above. A set of loaders are provided to facilitate this.

// getFile() method just returns a valid java.util.File,
// its implementation is unimportant
Map<RiskFactor, RiskFactorProperties> riskFactorProperties =

Map<RiskFactor, Double> riskFactorLevels =

FxMatrix fxMatrix = FxRateLoader.of(getFile("fx-rates")).load();

Map<RiskFactor, List<Double>> riskFactorShocks =

Map<Pair<Currency, Currency>, List<Double>> fxShocks =

SimmCalculator calculator = SimmCalculator.builder()

Set<RiskFactor> riskFactors = riskFactors.keySet();
List<RawDelta> derivativesPortfolio =
    PortfolioLoader.of(getFile("portfolio-derivatives"), riskFactors).load();
List<RawDelta> initialMargin =
    PortfolioLoader.of(getFile("portfolio-initial-margin"), riskFactors).load();
List<RawDelta> variationMargin =
    PortfolioLoader.of(getFile("portfolio-variation-margin"), riskFactors).load();

Map<AssetClass, Double> var =
    calculator.varByAssetClass(derivativesPortfolio, initialMargin, variationMargin);

File Formats

The file formats are straightforward - just simple CSV files. There are examples in test/resources/simm-sample.

Risk Factor Definitions

Contains the definitions of the fundamentals of the risk factors.

RiskFactorName, AssetClass, RiskType,    ShockType, Shift
USD-IRSL3M-2Y,  IR,         SENSITIVITY, RE,        0.04
IBM,            CR,         SENSITIVITY, AB
SP500,          EQ,         EXPOSURE,    RE
  • RiskFactorName - the risk factor name, can be any String but must be unique in the file
  • AssetClass - the asset class the risk factor belongs to - one of IR, CR, EQ or CO
  • RiskType - the risk type of the risk factor - one of SENSITIVITY or EXPOSURE
  • ShockType - the type of shocks - one of RELATIVE or ABSOLUTE
  • Shift - if the ShockType was RELATIVE, a shift can be supplied here

Risk Factor Base Levels

Contains the initial levels for the risk factors.

RiskFactorName, BaseLevel
USD-IRSL3M-2Y,  0.01
IBM,            0.012
SP500,          1000
  • RiskFactorName - the risk factor name, must be defined in the Risk Factor Definitions
  • BaseLevel - the initial level for the risk factor

Risk Factor Shocks

Contains the shocks to be applied to the risk factor levels.

RiskFactorName, Shocks
USD-IRSL3M-2Y, 1.0025, 1.0025, 0.9975, 0.9975, 1, 1, 1.0025, 0.9975, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1.0025, 0.9975, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1.0025, 0.9975, 1, 1, 1
IBM, 0.0001, -0.0005, -0.005, 0.0002, -0.0006, -0.0051, 0.0003, -0.0007, -0.0052, 0, 0.0004, -0.0001, 0.0011, 0.0008, 0.0012
SP500, 1.011, 0.995, 0.997, 1.001, 1.0002, 1.01, 0.9955, 0.9975, 1.0012, 1.0003, 1.0101, 0.9951
  • RiskFactorName - the risk factor name, must be defined in the Risk Factor Definitions
  • Shocks - list of shocks to be applied to the base levels. All shocks for a particular asset class must be the same length. Additionally, the shocks for IR asset class must be the same length as the FX shocks in the FX Shocks file.

FX Rates

Contains the base FX rates.

CurrencyPair, Rate
EUR/USD,      1.4
GBP/USD,      1.6
  • CurrencyPair - the currency pair the rate is for, format is CCY1/CCY2
  • Rate - the base FX rate for the currency pair - the EUR/USD line in the sample above is read as "1 EUR = 1.4 USD"

FX Shocks

Contains the shocks to be applied to the FX rates.

CurrencyPair, Shocks
EUR/USD, 1, 1.001, 0.9975, 0.995, 1.0002, 1.01, 0.995, 0.997, 1.001, 1.0002, 1.01, 0.995, 0.997, 1.001, 1.0002, 1.01, 0.995, 0.997, 1.001, 1.0002, 1.01, 0.995, 0.997, 1.001, 1.0002
GBP/USD, 0.9985, 1.002, 1, 0.995, 1.0003, 1.01, 0.994, 0.996, 1.001, 1.0002, 1.01, 1.005, 0.9999, 0.9999, 1.0011, 1.005, 0.996, 0.998, 1.0025, 1.01, 0.995, 0.997, 1.001, 1.0002, 1.0001
  • CurrencyPair - the currency pair the shocks are for, must be defined in the FX Rates file.
  • Shocks - list of shocks to be applied to the base FX rates. All shocks must be the same length, and must be the same length as the shocks for the IR asset class in the Risk Factor Shocks file.

Portfolio File

Contains the exposures of a portfolio to the various risk factors. The same file format is used for the portfolio, plus any offsetting initial or variation margin files.

RiskFactorName, Amount,   Currency
EUR-OIS-2Y,     100000,   EUR
EUR-OIS-5Y,     -20000,   EUR
USD-IRSL3M-2Y,  20000,    EUR
IBM,            30300,    EUR
SP500,          100000,   USD
  • RiskFactorName - the risk factor name, must be defined in the Risk Factor Definitions
  • Amount - the amount of the exposure to the risk factor
  • Currency - the currency for the Amount. Must be defined in the FX Rates file.

Properties File

It is possible to define a properties file holding the details of the data files, which can simplify the loading process.

  • base-currency - the base currency for the calculation. All results will be in the base currency.
  • var-level - Optional field allowing the VaR confidence level to be set. Not generally required as standard default value of 99% is set in the code. However, for small data sets a reduced value may be required.
  • risk-factor-definitions - path to the risk factor definitions file
  • risk-factor-base-levels - path to the risk factor base levels file
  • risk-factor-shocks - path to the risk factor shock file
  • fx-rates - path to the FX rates file
  • fx-rate-shocks - path to the FX rate shocks file
  • portfolio-derivatives - path to the portfolio file
  • portfolio-initial-margin - Optional field allowing the path to a portfolio file for any initial margin to be set
  • portfolio-variation-margin - Optional field allowing the path to a portfolio file for any variation margin to be set