
[DEPRECATED] Rails 4 application to serve OpenGeoMetadata content. A proof of concept.

Primary LanguageRuby


Rails 4 application to serve OpenGeoMetadata content.


  1. Change config/environments to have the correct datadir, or leave as the default /var/cache/opengeometadata.
  2. Clone git repos that you want to include in your server's content

For example,

# default is Rails.application.config.datadir = '/var/cache/opengeometadata'
cd /var/cache/opengeometadata
git clone https://github.com/OpenGeoMetadata/edu.stanford.purl.git


To retrieve a list of institutions available in JSON, use


To retrieve a list of layers available at an institution in JSON, use:


To retrieve metadata for a given institution and layer-id, use:


where format is xml or html or json depending on what's available for that layer in the default metadata format (typically iso19139).

To retrieve a specific metadata format for a given institution and layer-id, use


where metadata-format is iso19139, fgdc, mods, geoblacklight, etc. and format is xml or html or json depending on what's available for that metadata format.