
Sample portfolio page for the Telling Stories with Data course at Carnegie Mellon

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Sample portfolio page for the Telling Stories with Data course at Carnegie Mellon.

Or, do it this way: Carnegie Mellon. Both link to a page in the portfolio repo named test.md.

San Fransisco street cleaning example

<iframe width="801.5" height="495.5941666666667" seamless frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQbBK8BQwoc1kYMISjni8yMf_jbwNV7u2RstVkwtlBBGM-aEP4B-hrwes010uar7a8mND8T1ADK3NY0/pubchart?oid=1000424581&format=interactive"></iframe>

Friends sample dataset example

<script src="https://public.flourish.studio/resources/embed.js"></script>

Titanic example

011011121313 1513 15 B141515 161623455 75 96788 109ABCC DD123femalemalenoyes