Python Wrappers on Data Structures and abstractions over persistent data stores.
This module is a home for Python wrappers of data, databases and datastructures. It defines common use wrapping that can treat one style of data as another or reorder/subselect a collection.
The filedbwrap file defines many file based database objects such as dictionaries and sets which are treated as memory objects in Python but have a very large capacity with limited memory footprint.
The savable file defines object persistence objects which save state when they deconstruct and reload that state upon initialization.
The listwrap file defines a no-copy list subset selector that can retrieve subsets of data to be treated as complete, contiguous lists.
There are also some file loading/saving modules for various formats.
- xlrd (for excel files in
- redis (for RedisDB wrappers)
- unicodecsv (for consistent unicode data loading)
From source:
python install
From pip:
pip install pydatawrap
- File based dictionaries and sets
- Persistent file based objects
- 2D table loading/saving
- Table wrappers to transpose and transform data
- List wrapping for sublist selection (without copying)
The implementation files for the repository.
All unit tests for the repo.
python test
- Google Style Guide
- Object Oriented (with a few exceptions)
- Add tests for fileloader and savable
- Add examples to readme
Author(s): Matthew Seal
Collaborator(s): Joe Maguire, Loren Abrams
© Copyright 2013, OpenGov