
Custom OpenTX/EdgeTX for FlySky FS-i6X

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

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Custom OpenTX / EdgeTX for Flysky FS-i6X

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Feature FlySky i6X OpenI6X
Channels 6/10 16
Mixers 3 32
Models 20 20 / unlimited[1]
Protocols AFHDS, AFHDS2A, PPM AFHDS2A + 16Ch modes, PPM, CRSF
Timers _
Voice annoucements _ [2]
Variometer _
ExpressLRS ready _ ✓ Configurator built-in (no need for LUA)
Adjustable screen brightness _ [3]
USB Modes Joystick Joystick, Storage, Serial (Telemetry mirror, Debug)
AUX Serial port _ ✓ SBUS Trainer, Telemetry mirror, Debug
FlySky FS-HZCZ03-ADJ Gimbal support _ [4]
Languages EN, CN PL, EN, CZ, DE, ES, FI, FR, IT, NL, PT, SE

[1] Unlimited by using USB mass storage mode eeprom backup/restore.
[2] By adding DFPlayer, see instructions in wiki.
[3] By wiring 2 pads, see instructions in wiki.
[4] See instructions in wiki.


  • Janek (ajjjjjjjj), continues Kuba's and Mariano's work, added sound, USB, ExpressLRS V2/V3 configuration, telemetry mirror, SBUS trainer, new/fixed drivers, ports, bugfixes.
  • Mariano (marianomd), continued Kuba's work and made it up to useable condition! Added gimbals, buttons, AFHDS2A, PPM, CRSF.
  • Kuba (qba667), started this work and made this project possible, it is forked from his repo.
  • Wilhelm (wimalopaan) added 16 channels SBUS16 / IBUS16 modes.
  • Rafael (rafolg), ported FlySky Hall Gimbal support from EdgeTX.
  • Tom (tmcadam) fixed AFHDS2A PWM mode selection.
  • The internal RF code was taken from the great KotelloRC's erfly6: Er9X for i6 and i6x.
  • Some of the internal RF fixes are a result of analysing pascallanger's DIY-Multiprotocol-TX-Module.
  • ExpressLRS configurator is based on elrsV2/V3.lua from ExpressLRS.
  • Some of the ports are from EdgeTX.
  • ADC code taken from OpenGround.
  • All the contributors of OpenTX.