
Tutorial for the use of CatLC dataset.

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Catalunya Landcover Dataset

Orthophoto RGB Orthophoto Infrared Sentinel-1 Sentinel-2 April
Sentinel-2 August Aspect Digital Elevation Model Slope
Digital Surface Model Canopy Height Model Landcover
Class Name Color Class Name Color
1 Herbaceous crops 22 "Eixample"
2 Orchard, plant nurseries and forced cultivation 23 Lax Urban Areas
3 Vineyards 24 Isolated buildings in rural areas
4 Olive groves 25 Isolated residential areas
5 Other woody crops 26 Green areas
6 Crops in transformation 27 Industrial or commercial
7 Dense coniferous forests 28 Sports and leisure areas
8 Dense deciduous forests 29 Mining or landfills
9 Dense forests of sclerophylls 30 Areas in transformation
10 Scrub 31 Road network
11 Clear coniferous forests 32 Urban bare ground
12 Clear deciduous forests 33 Airport areas
13 Clear forests of sclerophylls 34 Railway network
14 Meadows and grasslands 35 Port areas
15 Shore forest 36 Reservoirs
16 Bare forest soil 37 Lakes and lagoons
17 Burned areas 38 Watercourses
18 Rocky 39 Rafts
19 Beaches 40 Artificial channels
20 Wetlands 41 Sea
21 Urban area 0 Out of border

Download data

Data can be directly downloaded from https://ftp.icgc.cat/descarregues/CatLCNet.

Although, due to the big size of the files, we recommend to download it using an FTP client.

Server Username Password
ftp.icgc.cat descarregues01 descarregues01

Data information

Topographic Maps

File Size Resolution Version
Aspect 13.4 GB 5m v1
Canopy height model 336.4 GB 1m v1
Digital Elevation Model 13.4 GB 5m v1
Digital Surface Model 336.4 GB 1m v1
Slope 13.4 GB 5m v1


File Size Resolution Version
RGB 252.3 GB 1m v1
Infrared 84.1 GB 1m v1


File Size Resolution Version
January 3.4 GB 10m v1
February 3.4 GB 10m v1
March 3.4 GB 10m v1
April 3.4 GB 10m v1
May 3.4 GB 10m v1
June 3.4 GB 10m v1
July 3.4 GB 10m v1
August 3.4 GB 10m v1
September 3.4 GB 10m v1
October 3.4 GB 10m v1
November 3.4 GB 10m v1
December 3.4 GB 10m v1
Annual 3.4 GB 10m v1


File Size Resolution Version
April 16.8 GB 10m v1
August 16.8 GB 10m v1

Landcover (groundtruth)

File Size Resolution Version
Landcover 84.1 GB 1m v1

Other utilities

We recommend to use gdal to view information of the different images gdalinfo image_example.tif


The use of data is subject to a Creative Common International Recognition 4.0 license. More information

It contains Sentinel Copernicus data modified by the ICGC.

It is also requested that the methodologies and results obtained by the different scientific groups are shared with the ICGC through the following e-mail: Dr. Oscar Mora

Developed by


Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya (ICGC)

Catalonia Multi-resolution Landcover Dataset (CatLC)