
A liquid tag to output a relative URL for assets based on the Jekyll post or page

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A Liquid tag to output a relative URL for assets related to a post or page; enabling the organizing of their associated materials into respective subdirectories (as opposed to potential, absolute chaos).

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Jekyll Asset Path Plugin


{% asset_path filename %}
{% asset_path filename post_id %}
{% asset_path "filename with whitespace" post_id %}
{% asset_path filename /collection_label/post_id %}


Copy asset_path_tag.rb into /_plugins (Jekyll) or /plugins (Octopress)


Asset of this post

{% asset_path my-image.png %}

in post 2013-01-01-post-title would output:


in page my-first-page would output:


Asset of another post

{% asset_path document.pdf /2012/05/25/another-post-title %}

would output:


Asset of document in a collection

{% asset_path image.jpg /my_collection/document_in_collection %}

would output:



Useful for images and links in Markdown or HTML:

[Download script]({% asset_path my-script.js %})
<img src="{% asset_path my-image.png %}" alt="My Image" />

Given file _data/image.csv contains:


and post 2015-03-21-another-post-title contains:

{% for image in site.data.images %}
  {% asset_path {{ image.file }} %}
{% endfor %}

then the tag will output:


When used with post_id parameter, the tag is useful for showing asset from each page. Given the site contains pages:



{% for post in site.posts %}{% asset_path cover.jpg {{post.id}} %}{% endfor %}

on index.html will output:



The plugin can be tested by using the Jekyll test site in test_site directory. Generate the site with

bundle exec jekyll serve

then check the test results by browsing to http://localhost:4000.

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