
⚡🐋 The OpenINF website, other static resources, and more planned static electricity (migrated from OpenINF/openinf.github.io sans prs ♻️ key infra bits🏗⚡)

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The OpenINF website and other static resources

'Netlify Status: Dynamic'

The high-level goal of open.inf.is is to build and maintain a current website serving content and assets. Although this site is still in its infancy, it’s intended to support separation of concerns. We are constantly working to improve this repository, so please feel free to contribute if you notice any omissions or errors.


Short-term non-goals:

  • Use an environment different from github-pages

Long-term non-goals:

  • Use github-pages or their static site generator

The rationale for this approach is that we would like our website code suspended on this framework initially. It has a good form and structure, yet, due to the underlying technologies (scss & html+liquid) being of limited power, evolution becomes necessary while retaining the same codebase layout.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. If for whatever reason you spot something to fix but cannot patch it yourself, please open an issue.


It is essential always to read the license for all code and content in question. Each source code and content directory typically contains the appropriate license file(s) for that directory's source code and/or content. The code and content files themselves also typically contain licensing and authorship metadata.

Most of the repository's source code is permissively licensed under MIT, Apache 2.0, or Blue Oak 1.0.0. The IDK reference documentation content uses the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license, while the embedded source code snippets and examples use the public domain equivalent 0BSD license. The collection of documents comprising our style guide handbook uses the CC BY-SA 4.0 license.

Roadmap | Development | Issue Tracker | Changelog | Credits

'Project Type: Prototype' 'Prototyping Scheme: Evolutionary' 'Status: Under construction'

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