
Introduction to Digital Humanities for the Study of Islamicate Cultures (AKU and UMD)

Primary LanguageHTML


This is the GitHub repository for the bookdown course website for the 2021 UMD and AKU course The Islamicate World 2.0: Studying Islamic Cultures through Computational Textual Analysis.

You can Access the course website here: https://openiti.github.io/2021IslamicateWorldCourse/

Note for contributors:

A very short and easy explanation of Bookdown can be found here: https://bookdown.org/home/about/

Follow these easy steps to set up a local version of the repo on your machine and add to the course website:

  1. Clone the current repository on your local machine:

$ git clone https://github.com/OpenITI/2021IslamicateWorldCourse.git

  1. The course website consists of a number of pages - all files in the root directory of the repository with the extension .Rmd:

Each of these files can be edited using RStudio

  1. in RStudio, go to File > Open Project. This will open a file selection dialog; navigate to the repository you cloned, and select the 2021IslamicateWorldCourse.Rproj in it

Select Rproj

If the project file is not there, choose File > New Project, and select the repository you cloned.

  1. In the bottom right corner, you will now see the contents of the project folder. Click one of the .Rmd files to edit it.

  2. Edit the file (use Pandoc markdown tags; full overview here: https://pandoc.org/MANUAL.html#pandocs-markdown)

  3. When you want to visualize your changes, save (ctrl + s) and then click the "Knit" button in the tab of the document you are editing:


This will create a temporary build of the entire website and open a new window in R in which you can preview your changes.

  1. When you are finished with your work, save your changes (ctrl + s) and click the Build tab in the upper right section of RStudio:


  1. In the Build tab, click the downward arrow next to the Build Book button, and choose bookdown::gitbook:

build gitbook

This will build the static html pages from your .Rmd files (they are stored in the _books folder in the repository).

  1. Save your changes in Git: open Git Bash and use the following commands:
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Add new course details"
$ git push origin main
  1. If you want to publish your changes to the public website: push your changes to the gh-pages branch, from which the website is served. This can be done using a shell script in Git Bash:

$ ./update_website.sh

NB: The shell script will run this command: git subtree push --prefix _book origin gh-pages. For an explanation of this command, see https://dev.to/letsbsocial1/deploying-to-gh-pages-with-git-subtree

  1. Your changes will be reflected on the live web page (this may take a couple of minutes): https://openiti.github.io/2021IslamicateWorldCourse/

Tips and tricks

Prerequisites for building the PDF version:

NB: make sure to choose the option that MikTeX is allowed to update/get new packages without asking, otherwise the PDF creation will fail

  • in RStudio: run install.packages("tinytex")

Pushing _books folder to gh-pages

The R script outputs the html, pdf and epub files into the _books folder. Unfortunately, GitHub cannot serve html files that are not in the root folder of a repo. The solution is to create a gh-pages branch in the repo, to which only the _books folder is pushed.


Once the subtree and the gh-pages branch are set up, publishing changes in the files to be served is as easy as writing the following command in the main branch of the repo:

$ git subtree push --prefix _book origin gh-pages

Initializing the gh-pages branch and the subtree:

NB: this has to be done only once! Use the previously mentioned command for updating the gh-pages branch!

  1. create a local branch gh-pages and check it out:

$ git checkout -b gh-pages

  1. Make sure it is empty:

$ git rm -rf .

(don't forget the . at the end!)

  1. commit and add the removal of all hidden files:

$ git commit -am "First commit to gh-pages branch"

  1. Push changes to remote gh-pages branch:

$ git push origin gh-pages

  1. Go back to the main branch:

$ git checkout main

  1. Create the subtree:
git push origin `git subtree split --prefix _book gh-pages`:gh-pages --force

(note the backticks before "git subtree" and "_book gh-pages"!)