
[ECCV2024] Event-Based Motion Magnification

Primary LanguagePython

Event-Based Motion Magnification

ECCV 2024

Yutian Chen, Shi Guo, Fangzheng Yu, Feng Zhang, Jinwei Gu, Tianfan Xue


This implementation based on BasicSR which is a open source toolbox for image/video restoration tasks.

git clone https://github.com/OpenImagingLab/emm.git
cd emm
pip install -r requirements.txt
python setup.py develop --no_cuda_ext

Running code


Refer to the REAME.md for instructions on preparing training data. We also provide a mini batch of train set and real-captured test set on Google Drive as an example.


To train the EMM model:

# Modify the dataroot options/train.yml 
bash train.sh


To test the EMM model with real-captured video:

# Modify the dataroot and the temporal filter parameters in options/train.yml 
bash test.sh


      title={Event-Based Motion Magnification}, 
      author={Yutian Chen and Shi Guo and Fangzheng Yu and Feng Zhang and Jinwei Gu and Tianfan Xue},
      journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.11957},