
aliyun ddns for golang【阿里云DDNS服务,用来将自己的动态IP同步到自己的域名解析服务器,安装方便,配置简单,默认支持Linux和MacOS以后台服务方式持续运行】

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


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Get it from the Snap Store

aliddns -c /path/to/config/file/aliddns.yaml

or just:


(use default config file: ./aliddns.yaml)


 aliddns run -i myid -k mykey -m iothub.cloud -s www -c 60

-i {AccessId} -k {AccessKey} -m {MainDomain} -s {SubDomainName} -c {CheckUpdateInterval}

You can install the pre-compiled binary (in several different ways), use Docker.

Here are the steps for each of them:

Install the pre-compiled binary

homebrew tap :

$ brew install OpenIoTHub/tap/aliddns

homebrew (may not be the latest version):

$ brew install aliddns


$ sudo snap install aliddns

config file path: /root/snap/aliddns/current/aliddns.yaml

edit config file then:

sudo snap restart aliddns


$ scoop bucket add OpenIoTHub https://github.com/OpenIoTHub/scoop-bucket.git
$ scoop install aliddns


Download the .deb or .rpm from the releases page and install with dpkg -i and rpm -i respectively.

config file path: /etc/aliddns/aliddns.yaml

edit config file then:

sudo systemctl restart aliddns

Shell script:

$ curl -sfL https://install.goreleaser.com/github.com/OpenIoTHub/aliddns.sh | sh


Download the pre-compiled binaries from the releases page and copy to the desired location.

Running with Docker

You can also use it within a Docker container. To do that, you'll need to execute something more-or-less like the following:

$ docker run openiothub/aliddns:latest run -i {AccessId} -k {AccessKey} -m {MainDomain} -s {SubDomainName} -c {CheckUpdateInterval}


$ docker run openiothub/aliddns:latest run -i myid -k mykey -m iothub.cloud -s www -c 60

Note that the image will almost always have the last stable Go version.