Looking for large(r) projects that use OpenJML

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Hey there!

I am currently working on a thread safety testing tool that allows users to specify using JML. To test, I need some classes (datastructures) that are specified using JML. Ideally, the datastructure should be concurrent, i.e. try to be thread safe.

So far, I have only really found AWS to use JML but I really do need concurrent classes. Does anyone have some examples for projects that use JML in this context?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
Also, thank you @davidcok and @jsinglet for your work on openJML!

There are not likely to be projects that fulfill your requirements because JML does not support reasoning about concurrency.
Nor am I aware of any large public projects that use JML.

@davidcok @leavens

Aw, okay - thank you both so much for weighing in on my question. It is highly appreciated.

Have a nice day!