This project provides a commandline tool to create knxprod files for ETS.
This is the successor of multiply-channels, which will be discontinued. multiply-channels and OpenKNXproducer are compatible, as long as you want to convert simple xml-sources using ETS 5.x. As soon as you use the include-functionality of these tools, there is no compatibility anymore.
For OpenKNX_Projects or for knxprod-creation with ETS 6 you should use OpenKNXproducer.
The current version provides the following verbs:
create Check given xml file and create knxprod
check Execute sanity checks on given xml file
knxprod Create knxprod file from given xml file without checks
new Create new xml file with a fully commented and working mini exaple
help Display more information on a specific command.
version Display version information.
This tool also creates a header file with defines for all parameter and com object definitions in the xml. An ETS must be installed on the PC. Currently ETS 4, ETS 5.5, ETS 5.6, ETS 5.7 and ETS 6.0 are supported. The correct ETS converter version is automatically found dependent on xmlns of provided xml document. This project uses dotnet 6.0.
OpenKNXproducer new --ProductName=TempSensor --AppNumber=567 Sensor
Creates initial Sensor.xml, do sanity checks produce Sensor.h, produce Sensor.knxprod
OpenKNXproducer create Sensor
Reads Sensor.xml, do sanity checks, produce Sensor.h, produce Sensor.knxprod
OpenKNXproducer knxprod -o device.knxpord Sensor.xml
Reads Sensor.xml, produce device.knxprod
OpenKNXproducer check Sensor.xml
Reads Sensor.xml, do sanity checks
If all sanity checks were OK and the knxprod file was created, there might be still problems using this file in ETS. Because the user is editing an xml file, there might be many other problems there, which are not checked by this tool yet.
As a general hint:
if there is a problem importing the knxprod file into the product catalog (import function in ETS), there is usually a problem with Parameters-, ParameterTypes-, ComObjects-Section or the document structure itself.
if import was successful, but you cannot add the device to your project, usually there is a problem in Dynamic-, ParameterRef-, ComObjectRef-Section.
If you find a situation, which is not yet checked but leads to errors in ETS, tell me and I will add a new check. Or create a pull request...