- 1
ImportError: dynamic module does not define module export function (PyInit_freenect)
#685 opened by JMR-Mejia - 2
Can't import python3 wrapper (ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'freenect')
#683 opened by Looki2000 - 0
Fixed Linking error for libglut.
#691 opened by mark-bchoi - 1
missing rpath issue with 0.7.5 release
#684 opened by chenrui333 - 1
- 3
- 2
- 2
cc1: fatal error: freenect.c:
#688 opened by TolyaDenisenko - 2
Kinect Red LED Light Technical Issue
#687 opened by ivankuadey - 3
CMake warning about legacy GL library and GLVND libraries for OpenGL and GLX.
#677 opened by gyiptgyipt - 2
libfreenect fails to build with Cython 3.0.0
#673 opened by prmehta24 - 1
- 2
Questions about timestamp
#681 opened by goldbird5 - 1
libfreenect fails to build after latest commit
#680 opened by Marwan-Refaat - 1
#665 opened by sarveshrathi - 2
[Feature request] Skeleon Tracking
#675 opened by weirdal3333 - 2
Python3 wrapper, c1: fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: 'freenect.c': No such file or directory
#676 opened by hugowhite - 0
No such file or directory [D:\libfreenect\libfreenect\build\src\freenectstatic.vcxproj]
#674 opened by karolbednarczyk1 - 0
Can we kill the sync_get_depth and sync_get_video calls after a specific amount of time?
#672 opened by prmehta24 - 1
freenect can't detect the kinect camera
#667 opened by Morningsam - 4
Python 3.8+: PyTypeObject {alias »struct _typeobject} has no member named tp_print
#643 opened by arunoruto - 2
- 2
tp_print is removed from Cython
#664 opened by sameone100 - 1
same issue. i even tried different versions of python and different versions of ubuntu to run it on and none worked
#669 opened by aminemahd13 - 1
- 0
/libfreenect/build/wrappers/python/freenect3.c:747:10: fatal error: numpy/arrayobject.h: File or directory not found
#671 opened by Marietto2008 - 1
mach-o file: have arm64, need x86_64
#659 opened by joaomigsilva - 2
Firmware 404's
#652 opened by parkerlreed - 0
- 2
Libfreenect Solution Build Error-Windows
#647 opened by senayapsu - 2
Distance issues with Kinect and R Pi 4
#662 opened by piran-prog - 6
- 3
Build errors on linux
#648 opened by jwillb - 2
#651 opened - 0
changes required to build with cmake 3.22.2 on linux
#658 opened by mpictor - 0
Kinect serial number fallback to audio device serial number always throws warning on success.
#657 opened by kptrofatter - 2
Dropouts in data from Kinect on Raspberry Pi unless bluetooth dongle also plugged in
#639 opened by JesseCake - 1
Fakenect on MacOS (big sur)
#636 opened by Pajinek - 0
Raspberry4B(Ubuntu18.04): /protonect :GLFW error 65543 failed to create context and opengl window
#656 opened by LioRage - 1
No audio or video on manjaro with a kinect 1414
#644 opened by flutterbrony - 1
Kinect model 1414, ubuntu 20.04 freenect-glview and camtest not working, but the micview is working just fine.
#650 opened by LazyDeva - 0
significant lag when starting or switching video format
#640 opened by bycreatinganaccountyouagreetothetermsof - 0
- 1
freenect-glview No devices found Ubuntu 18.04
#642 opened by asbeg - 0
Windows on ARM, Support?
#638 opened by sidd-kishan - 0
Audio Input with Ubuntu
#637 opened by ozzitheawesum - 0
#635 opened by explosive2005 - 1
Problem in installing libfreenect
#633 opened by AnjanSarma - 0
"undefined reference to [function]" link error
#634 opened by muteviolin - 1
Runloop is not run if body only
#631 opened by melMass