- 0
- 6
idRO Classic: Poseidon is no longer usable since the latest patch (GameGuard update)
#3964 opened by ropok - 1
Openkore Dont attack
#3965 opened by newplays18 - 2
Alguém sabe dizer se ele funciona no history reborn?
#3960 opened by gomeszrj - 3
#3963 opened by ilhamapurnama - 0
- 7
Xkore3: "Abnormal end of connection (ip: Unknown packet 0x436"
#3956 opened by Satobi64 - 12
how to let openkore use all CPU cores?
#3945 opened by dcyxxt - 0
ai_v dont clear attackSkillSlot_x_target_time after monster die, disappear or teleport
#3948 opened by alisonrag - 8
- 1
Timeout Task sometimes dont finish
#3947 opened by alisonrag - 8
Packet Parser: Unknown switch: 0A16
#3951 opened by dcyxxt - 0
Openkore dont attack the same target if drop it to attack other aggressive monster
#3949 opened by alisonrag - 0
Poseidon Server Closed unexpectedly
#3955 opened by fahrulhanifan - 2
Packet Parser: Unknown switch: 0892
#3939 opened by Henrybk - 3
Packet Parser: Unknown switch: 095D
#3950 opened by Henrybk - 14
may i ask how to display the itemoption in openkore?
#3940 opened by dcyxxt - 0
NPC merchant stuck after empty autosell
#3941 opened by Henrybk - 0
Quest missions undefined key
#3934 opened by Henrybk - 1
Packet Parser: Unknown switch: 0AC8
#3935 opened by Henrybk - 1
- 3
idRO Classic
#3904 opened by tricell17 - 3
- 1
Task Route should check wheter we can move from the current position to the next step before sending move packet
#3932 opened by Henrybk - 0
- 0
Send slave teleport to master not working properly
#3930 opened by Henrybk - 2
Unknown switch: 0A15
#3907 opened by ya4ept - 16
Crash latest update
#3922 opened by tricell17 - 0
Homunculus state crash
#3919 opened by Henrybk - 12
- 1
Homunculus skills not working
#3913 opened by Henrybk - 6
Packet Parser: Unknown switch: 0A41
#3903 opened by zanzibar222 - 0
Wrong skill_use_failed packet usage
#3917 opened by Henrybk - 8
appear You changed unknown sprite type (13)
#3905 opened by dcyxxt - 6
Can openkore display the damage as K,M,B
#3909 opened by dcyxxt - 0
Unknown switch: 0B27
#3908 opened by ya4ept - 2
Arcadia RO reconnects to login server
#3879 opened by alexey-khabulyak - 5
- 2
iRO Packet Parser: Unknown switch: 000A and 0024 ???
#3885 opened by sammeepay - 1
About cRO Server
#3878 opened by kahineasin - 2
can't logging to
#3884 opened by sopik - 3
Who is paying for the domain and webhosting?
#3892 opened by ahoyaharr - 1
Xcore Stuck after server selection
#3898 opened by d3ndyyy - 35
memorial dungeon
#3894 opened by zanzibar222 - 1
tRO Received packet: 09CF - GameGuard Request
#3891 opened by TheLegionZ-B - 1
Can't call method "inventory" on an undefined value at src/Network/ line 5195.
#3893 opened by Kadal6594asd - 1
On Payon Stories
#3883 opened by RagnaOldLORD - 1
Add new server
#3889 opened by wandersonlt - 0
Can't connect into server
#3886 opened by Sky01Zero - 1
Does it still works on servers?
#3882 opened