Incorrect north west latitude of RpfCoverageBox
mg629 opened this issue · 10 comments
I am converting CADRG to TMS and in the method makeTiles of MapTileMaker, I am getting back an incorrect north west latitude for the RpfCoverageBox but am not sure why.
public Rectangle2D makeTiles(RpfLayer rpfLayer) {
final Proj proj = new Mercator(new LatLonPoint.Double(), 50000, TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE);
Vector<RpfCoverageBox> coverage = rpfLayer.getFrameProvider().getCoverage(90f, -180f, -90f, 180f, proj);
for (RpfCoverageBox box : coverage) {
// nw_lat value is coming out as 64.0046 when it should be 65.25
nw_lat = box.nw_lat; (64.0046)
// the following values are coming out correct I believe
nw_lon = box.nw_lon; (-151.266)
se_lat = box.se_lat; (59.861)
se_lon = box.se_lon; (-143.77)
I have attached the CADRG specs from the A.TOC files at each level (50, 100, 250).
At this time I am not able to upload the full CADRG folders and files but might be able to do so in pieces if its needed.
The reason I started looking into the issue is my converted tms when loaded into a cesium viewer does not seem to display the full extent of the terrain. The tms on the cesium viewer map has upper left corner of 64.0046, -151.266.
According to the people who gave me the CADRG, the terrain should encompass Fairbanks which would be more like a upper left corner of 65.25, -151.266.
I noticed my min extents and max extents in my tms.json file after conversion was (min ext Lat=59.8619, Lon=-151.266 and max extent Lat=64.006, Lon=-143.7709).
It seems like the max extent should be Lat= 65.25?
I let the RpfLayer choose which chart type should be displayed at different TMS zoom levels.
Don, do you have any recommendations?
Should I try to create TMS tiles for each chart type? (not sure how to do that yet)
Would that help?
Any help is appreciated. Thank you.
I will read through the link you supplied.
Would you happen to have a release date already determined for the 6.0 branch?