A Python interface to OpenModelica communicating via CORBA or ZeroMQ
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OMPython issue with readRealMatrix
#233 opened by thomash303 - 7
Handle process externally in ModelicaSystem.simulate and ModelicaSystem.linearized
#230 opened by kiroorooki - 4
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OMPython breaks with Python 3.12
#175 opened by JaxRaffnix - 5
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Rework ModelicaSystem.simulate
#217 opened by lafrech - 0
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feature request: add warning or error when using linearize() and --daeMode is set
#211 opened by martinscripts - 2
- 1
can't get linearize() to work
#209 opened by martinscripts - 1
Simulation on linux doesn't wait to process
#207 opened by InigoGastesi - 1
Custom Build Directory
#204 opened by kiroorooki - 35
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ModuleNotFound in model linearization
#196 opened by PT-Traviresta - 0
Export displayUnits to FMU
#193 opened by LukasKoenemann - 0
Fetch information from IPOPT solver
#192 opened by LukasKoenemann - 7
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convertMo2Fmu fails without any log
#177 opened by javiarrobas - 2
Mistyped default fileNamePrefix
#176 opened by javiarrobas - 1
create a model with OMPython
#166 opened by albert-mathews - 5
How to generate. fmu files using mod. convertMo2Fmu()
#167 opened by dephat - 7
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ModelicaSystem.simulate() does not handle 'outputFormat' and 'variableFilter' options correctly.
#151 opened by Nobby-n - 1
Unclear what license options are available
#153 opened by cmacmackin - 7
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New release to pypi to support py3.9 and above
#150 opened by henloef - 1
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Implementation of csv file INPUT with ExternData
#152 opened by songkuku - 7
OMPython 3.3 error
#149 opened by valfaro - 5
can not change numberOfIntervals from Python script
#146 opened by Arinomo - 2
ModelicaSystem does not show plot window
#144 opened by bilderbuchi - 1
Problem with simulating a model
#139 opened by kosmylo - 0
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Error in zmq interface
#130 opened by adeas31 - 2
Python 3.9 failure: 'xml.etree.ElementTree.Element' object has no attribute 'getchildren'
#135 opened by Midren - 0
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Issues with the function setContinous in python
#126 opened by ABD16 - 0
String formatting bug in number of arguments.
#122 opened by jpwijbenga - 0
Unable to access Open Modelica from Scilab
#121 opened by chrl3hr5