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Feature Request: Support for TensorFlow 2.14 and Higher
#1008 opened by ncicio - 0
Multi-source NMT
#1009 opened by ThuraAung1601 - 1
Wrong prediction length from exported OpenNMT-tf models with shared embeddings
#1007 opened by dmar1n - 8
tensorflow lite model example
#1005 opened by flutter-painter - 0
OpenNMT-tf onnx export ?
#1006 opened by flutter-painter - 0
Input size mismatch
#1004 opened by pranjaliseth - 0
word-level knowledge distillation
#1001 opened by ZenBel - 0
xla_ops failed when use multi gpu
#1000 opened by wangshauitj - 5
Quickstart example runs for a long time
#998 opened by cspink - 0
Make timeout value configurable while searching for an optimal batch size
#996 opened by sandeepchittilla - 2
"Horovod has been shut down" error when training is finished due to early stopping
#985 opened by awery - 0
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Parallel text inputter fails with compressed text files
#973 opened by awery - 4
Fine-tune GPT2 model from Transformers
#965 opened by NeonBohdan - 1
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cpp for tensorflow serving
#956 opened by lyzKF - 1
An issue with SequenceRecordInputter ?
#952 opened by Ingvar-Y - 3
Error when inferencing with gpt.
#943 opened by songxxzp - 2
RuntimeError: Model diverged with loss = NaN.
#927 opened by rudyyin - 4
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Running sequence tagger using OpenNMT-tf
#939 opened by faysalhossain2007 - 4
Decay scheduler based on validation score
#933 opened by cccs-km - 1
BPE support for transformer model
#932 opened by nashid - 3
Comparison of OpenNMT-tf and tensor2tensor
#931 opened by nashid - 1
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Multi GPU training fails with more than 2 A100 GPUs (RuntimeError: Model diverged with loss = NaN.)
#918 opened by Dagamies - 1
Fine tuning BERT models for NLP tasks
#926 opened by cservan - 2
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Import error on mac M1
#917 opened by vietph34 - 1
Is there a way to use dynamic decoding rather than fix output size for the tflite model?
#916 opened by SefaZeng - 1
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Fail to load dynamic quantized tflite model
#915 opened by SefaZeng - 9
Tflite outputs a largers model file.
#905 opened by SefaZeng - 6
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On Quickstart Example: UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in position 0
#886 opened by duvallj - 13
RuntimeError: Model diverged with loss = NaN.
#890 opened by FPBHW - 2
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SGD does not receive parameters
#887 opened by FPBHW - 2
CNN decoder
#884 opened by AbdallahNasir - 1
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Performance issues in the definition of _get_initial_state, opennmt/decoders/
#870 opened by DLPerf - 2
How to convert a fairseq model to OpenNMT type
#871 opened by lishaojun412 - 2
CUDA_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ADDRESS: an illegal memory access
#869 opened by Geremia