Pinned issues
- 3
Extend "os" section, adding other OS sub-attributes in opennebula_template
#558 opened by sam-wouters - 6
Raw Disk is not found during refresh because format is a driver instead of raw
#571 opened by markush81 - 8
Terraform loses disk in state after resize
#557 opened by sorinpad - 6
```opennebula_virtual_machine``` secondary IP
#494 opened by TGM - 0
- 3
Add `IP` to `opennebula_virtual_router_nic`
#564 opened by Thiryn - 1
Manually deleted resources break resource state
#574 opened by dgarcia18 - 7
- 2
Data Source to get list of VMs by name
#485 opened by bdeetz - 9
When attempting to create a Ceph datastore of type "IMAGE", the following error occurs:
#552 opened by tikondrus - 2
- 0
Can't attach more than one NIC from the same vnet
#572 opened by alvarocurt - 0
Error creating Ceph Datastore: "SYSTEM datastores cannot have DS_MAD defined"
#542 opened by acidroper - 2
- 5
Manually Deleted VMs are not recreated
#562 opened by Thiryn - 1
Improve contribution guidelines
#568 opened by Thiryn - 2
It is not possible to add more than a PCI device (passthrough) to a VM
#540 opened by brodriguez-opennebula - 3
image owner changing
#566 opened by tikondrus - 0
`v1.4.0` documentation fixes
#526 opened by frousselet - 0
- 2
- 1
VNet address reservation on VNet (inside cluster) looses cluster_ids information on subsequent terraform apply runs
#556 opened by PeterW-3E - 4
- 0
- 2
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 6
- 3
- 2
virtual machine (ID: 14): unexpected state 'POWEROFF', wanted target 'RUNNING'. last error: %!s(<nil>)
#533 opened by zixelmike - 1
```cpumodel``` Crash report
#530 opened by TGM - 2
Disk change in VM Template doesn't take effect
#491 opened by grossibr - 3
How to set the owner of a virtual network?
#529 opened by stenub - 6
Unable to supply credentials using OPENNEBULA_USERNAME and OPENNEBULA_PASSWORD environment variables
#501 opened by jamie-pate - 1
Introduce `opennebula_virtual_machine_disk_attachment` to prevent issues when replacing image
#525 opened by frousselet - 0
Wrong `random_passwd` type
#523 opened by frousselet - 0
- 1
- 0
`opennebula_marketplace_appliance`: unexpected state 'LOCKED', wanted target 'READY'
#518 opened by frousselet - 1
Add `passwd` and `random_passwd` arguments for opennebula_virtual_machine and opennebula_template `graphics` sections
#498 opened by grossibr - 0
manage permissions for opennebula_datastore
#514 opened by sebhoss - 0
Reservation AR_ID cannot be set to 0
#512 opened by sk4zuzu - 0
Add floating IP support for vrouter NICs
#510 opened by sk4zuzu - 5
Add resource for managing VM state
#492 opened by xorel - 5
- 1
The first network interface is removed instead of the second in resource opennebula_virtual_machine
#495 opened by god7trong - 1
After removing the second network interface, it is not possible to add a new required network interface in resource opennebula_virtual_machine
#496 opened by god7trong - 1
- 2
Flow client ignores `insecure` attribute
#482 opened by benjamb