
Provides an Unreal Engine sample project for demonstrating how to use the (pre-alpha) OpenPF2 Role Playing Game (RPG) framework.

Primary LanguageC++OtherNOASSERTION


Tabletop made of four arrows pointing toward the center of the table, with the tagline 'Just add story.'

Provides an Unreal Engine sample project for demonstrating how to use the OpenPF2 Role Playing Game (RPG) framework.


This project is compatible with Unreal Engine 5.3.

Current Status

This is a pre-alpha. Low-level framework code is in place but this is not yet a very fun/playable game. Still, there are several interesting pieces to look at, including:

  • How input gets bound to character abilities:
    • The bindings vary by character.
    • Default bindings can be specified on each character.
    • The player can remap which abilities are bound during play by bringing up the ability menu.
    • Bindings can be re-routed or filtered dynamically using "Ability Execution Filters". This is used to route "Attack 1" to either an attack or movement action during encounters.
  • How game mode transitions are handled.
  • How abilities get queued in encounter mode vs. executed immediately in exploration mode.
  • How turns are orchestrated by AI behaviors during encounters.
  • How the floating camera is handled (including its collision with the world relative to its tilt and zoom using a custom collision component for delegating collision checks).

If something you'd like to see is not in this sample, please check back often! More is being added every week.


This is a free learning resource. If you intend to reproduce, repurpose, or re-use any portion of this project in your own, you can only do so in an Unreal-Engine-based project. See LICENSE.txt.

Key Bindings/Input Bindings

Outside Encounters ("Exploration" and "Downtime" Modes)

Keyboard Mouse XBox Controller Action
W Left joystick (3) forward Walk character forward
A Left joystick (3) left Walk character left
S Left joystick (3) backward Walk character backward
D Left joystick (3) right Walk character right
Move forward Right joystick (1) forward Tilt camera down (turn character to look up)
Move left Right joystick (1) left Tilt camera right (turn character to look left)
Move backward Right joystick (1) backward Tilt camera up (turn character to look down)
Move right Right joystick (1) right Tilt camera left (turn camera to look right)
1 Left click A Use/Move/Attack 1
2 B Attack 2
3 X Attack 3
4 Y Attack 4
Q Left bumper (5) Control previous character
E Right bumper (10) Control next character
SHIFT Left trigger (6) Open/close ability dialog (hold to keep open)

Right joystick is designated '1'; D-pad is designated '2'; Left joystick is designated '3'; Left middle button is designated '4'; Left bumper is designated '5'; Left trigger is designated '6'; XBox button is designated '7'; Right middle button is designated '8'; Right trigger is designated '9'; Right bumper is designated '10'; 'A' is designated 'A'; 'B' is designated 'B'; 'X' is designated 'X'; and 'Y' is designated 'Y'

During Encounters ("Encounter" Mode)

Keyboard Mouse XBox Controller Action
Move forward Left joystick (3) forward Move encounter cursor up in screen space
Move left Left joystick (3) left Move encounter cursor left in screen space
Move backward Left joystick (3) backward Move encounter cursor down in screen space
Move right Left joystick (3) right Tilt camera left (turn camera to look right)
W Right joystick (1) forward Fly camera forward
A Right joystick (1) left Fly camera left
S Right joystick (1) backward Fly camera backward
D Right joystick (1) right Fly camera right
Z D-Pad (2) right Zoom camera in on active character
C D-Pad (2) left Zoom camera out from active character
Mouse wheel up D-Pad (2) up Tilt camera down and zoom in towards active character
Mouse wheel down D-Pad (2) down Tilt camera up and zoom out from active character
1 Left click A Use/Move/Attack 1 (depending on target square)
2 B Attack 2
3 X Attack 3
4 Y Attack 4
Q Left bumper (5) Control previous character
E Right bumper (10) Control next character
SHIFT Left trigger (6) Open/close ability dialog (hold to keep open)

Right joystick is designated '1'; D-pad is designated '2'; Left joystick is designated '3'; Left middle button is designated '4'; Left bumper is designated '5'; Left trigger is designated '6'; XBox button is designated '7'; Right middle button is designated '8'; Right trigger is designated '9'; Right bumper is designated '10'; 'A' is designated 'A'; 'B' is designated 'B'; 'X' is designated 'X'; and 'Y' is designated 'Y'

In Ability Dialog

Keyboard Mouse XBox Controller Action
Down arrow/S/D D-Pad (2) down Select first ability/Move ability cursor/selection down in ability list
Up arrow/W/A D-Pad (2) up Select last ability/Move ability cursor/selection up in ability list
2 B Bind ability to attack 2
3 X Bind ability to attack 3
4 Y Bind ability to attack 4
Q Left bumper (5) Switch to bindings for previous character
E Right bumper (10) Switch to bindings for next character
SHIFT Left trigger (6) Open/close ability dialog (hold to keep open; release to activate selected ability)

Right joystick is designated '1'; D-pad is designated '2'; Left joystick is designated '3'; Left middle button is designated '4'; Left bumper is designated '5'; Left trigger is designated '6'; XBox button is designated '7'; Right middle button is designated '8'; Right trigger is designated '9'; Right bumper is designated '10'; 'A' is designated 'A'; 'B' is designated 'B'; 'X' is designated 'X'; and 'Y' is designated 'Y'