The CR toolbox provides an easy, user-oriented, matlab package to compute the optical flow and feature tracking from video.
In particular, this toolbox contains the following features:
- KLT feature tracker (Tomasi-Kanade feature detector & Lucas-Kanade tracking)
- Optical flow from either KLT or image correlation (using the additional MatPIV toolbox)
- Bi-Orthogonal Decomposition of optical flow or tracked features
- A player to display all results
- A full set of user interfaces
The CR-toolbox is released under the open-source CeCILL-B license. It is a BSD-like license under french law.
The license text is in the CR/Licence-en.txt file.
If you are publishing a scientific works that have use this toolbox, you should cite the following paper:
See the CR-toolbox documentation website
To contact me, the prefered way is to use github issues. Otherwise you can send me an email.
This toolbox has been developped in a collaboration between
It was founded by the ANR research project Chêne-Roseau
The implementation has been done by Julien Diener.